According To Artur Baghdasarian,Artashes Geghamian Receives Financia


Noyan Tapan
May 22 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 22, NOYAN TAPAN. “During the 2003 presidential elections,
the Orinats Yerkir Party straightforwardly endorced Robert Kocahrian’s
candidature both at the first and second rounds, unlike some leaders,
who left the opposition camp after the first round, because if they
had not left this camp, there would have been quite a different
political situation in Armenia,” the OYP leader Artur Baghdasarian
stated at at the May 22 sitting of the RA National Assembly. On
the same day, he sent in his resignation from the post of the NA
speaker. His statement was addressed to the leader of the National
Unity party and faction Artashes Geghamian, who repeatedly expressed
his suspicions in public, saying that the fact that Artur Baghdasarian
does not criticize President Robert Kocharian and Defence Minister
Serge Sargsian shows that the latest OYP-related developments are a
result of agreement reached with the authorities and a mere play. In
this connection, A. Baghdasarian also said that the National Unity
“receives direct financial assistance through shadow channels from
Defence Minister Serge Sargsian.” In his words, one can hardly point
out an instance when he or his party criticized the National Unity
or its leader Artashes Geghamian. He said that there are numerous
facts, and particularly the matter concerns absence of the NU durig
discussions of issues of importance to the people, whereas, according
to him, the UN publicly voices “personalized, trageted criticism”,
not doing anything else. A. Baghsdasarian noted that personally to
him, the recent developments within his party were “a great human
tragedy”. “If it is a game for some people, my answer is: may the
same game happen to you and your kins,” he said in resentment. Artur
Baghdasarian also expressed his surpise that they have met such a
hostile reception of the opposition.