The End Of Community Prosecutor

17:50 22/05/06

Today we received information that Yerevan Malatia-Sebastai community
prosecutor Hamlet Hovsepyan was dismissed by the president’s decree
late last week. Today Viktor Soghomonyan, president’s press secretary
confirmed the information.

Our sources say that the reasons for dismissal are just
scandalous. Recently national security officers prevented smuggling
of large volumes of cell phones into the republic. The General
Prosecutor’s office also disseminated information on the case. The
information, however, overlooked some of the important facts. It
said, in particular, that criminal case is instituted on the incident
of smuggling of 433 different types of cell phones costing USD 70
thousand equivalent 30 million Armenian drams via Dubai-Yerevan
flight on May 17. G. Hairapetyan, a private businessman, suspected
in the case with a group of other people, is arrested. According to
our sources, Malatia-Sebastia community prosecutor’s son was among
the group. Moreover, when H. Hovsepyan learned about it, he hid his
son from law enforcement bodies. Our sources say that was the reason
for dismissal.

President’s press secretary confirmed the information.