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Zharangutiun Complains In Connection With One More Obstacle Put In I


Noyan Tapan
May 23 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 23, NOYAN TAPAN. The Zharangutiun (Heritage) party
complains that one more obstacle was put in its way, this time
in Armavir region. On May 20, Zharangutiun party Chairman Raffi
Hovhannisian and the members of the party’s ruling body left for a
number of populated areas of Armavir region for meeting the activists
of the party’s local subdivision. The first meeting was in the village
of Myasnikian, during which, according to the report provided to
Noyan Tapan from the Zharangutiun party, it became clear that the
“visit is under the intent control of the local Police structure.” In
particular, the employees of the Police local structure asked the
head of the Zharangutiun party local subdivision about the goals,
term of the visit, about the staff of the delegation demanding to
inform them about the delegation’s arrival. The meeting in Myasnikian
had not finished yet when they called from Armavir saying that Levon
Margarian, employee of the local territorial subdivision office,
was taken to the local Police station and warned that they are aware
of the visit of R.Hovhannisian and members of the party board to the
office of the subdivision. They obliged him to cancel this visit,
otherwise they will hamper this by force. Arriving in Armavir, the
party leadership saw policemen standing on the opposite pavement of
the territorial subdivision office, who, according to Zharangutiun’s
report, “were brought here for intimidating them and for failing
the meeting.” Nevertheless, the meeting between the party leadership
and the citizens took place, after which Raffi Hovhannisian visited
the Police station to meet the Head of the local Police. At first
they said that the meeting will be held in 15 minutes, then they
said that a special consultation was convened at the Police Head’s
office and he cannot receive R.Hovhannisian. Finally, the man on duty
at the department was given an application with a demand to give
written explanations on the incident. On May 22, a letter was sent
to RA Police Head Hayk Haroutiunian on behalf of the Zharangutiun
party’s board “with a demand to explane and to estimate the illegal
and anti-constitutional actions.” The party members expect that “the
Police will disclose those ordering this illegal action and will give
a legal estimation to the action.”

Talalian Arpi:
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