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ARMENPAC 91st Armenian Genocide Commemoration a Success

ARMENPAC, The Armenian-American Political Action Committee
421 E. Airport Freeway, Suite 201
Irving, Texas 75220
Contact: Jason P. Capizzi, Esq.
Tel: (972) 635-5347
E-mail: jason.capizzi@armenpac.org
Web: <;

Officials’ Remarks Posted at

Irving, TX – On Sunday, April 23, 2006, despite the rainy weather, nearly
one thousand activists gathered in New York City to commemorate the 91st
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. This event, which was cosponsored by
ARMENPAC, the Knights of Vartan, the Armenian Assembly of America and the
Armenian General Benevolent Union, was the only pan-Armenian Genocide
Commemoration program that received the full support of the Congressional
Caucus on Armenian Issues.

Numerous diplomats and dignitaries attended this pan-Armenian Genocide
Commemoration program in New York City, which included remarks from a number
of prominent political, religious and community leaders. ARMENPAC Co-Chair
Annie Totah received a standing ovation following her heartfelt remarks
calling for stronger efforts to unify the Armenian-American community in
order to accomplish what is in the best interests of Armenia, Nagorno
Karabakh, and the worldwide Armenian Diaspora. The Executive Directors of
the Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Committee of
America were also featured speakers during the program.

Members of the United States Congress that participated in this pan-Armenian
Genocide Commemoration program included Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
and Robert Menendez (D-NJ), as well as Representatives Anthony D. Weiner
(D-NY), Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY). Also featured
in this program were remarks from prominent state elected officials,
including New Jersey Governor Jon S. Corzine, New Jersey Assemblywoman Joan
M. Voss (D-LD 38) and New York State Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi. The
speeches of these elected officials reflected a high level of dedication and
support for the Armenian cause and the Armenian community.

“The fact that so many elected officials supported and participated in this
pan-Armenian Genocide Commemoration program outside of our nation’s capitol
is a testament to the growing support of the pan-Armenian-American community
and its issues, as well as the clout which ARMENPAC has amassed among
decision makers within and beyond the Washington, D.C. beltway,” said
ARMENPAC Co-Chair Edgar Hagopian.

Many of the speakers’ presentations highlighted the current legislative
initiatives pending in the United States Congress that relate to Armenia;
namely the Affirmation of the United States Record on the Armenian Genocide
Resolutions (H.Res.316 and S.Res.320) and the South Caucasus Integration and
Open Railroads Act (H.R.3361 and S.2461). Especially engaging were the
remarks made by New Jersey Assemblywoman Joan M. Voss (D-LD 38), who is a
former history teacher that taught her students about the fact of the
Armenian Genocide before it was a part of the State’s curriculum.
Assemblywoman Voss is a leader in the New Jersey Legislature on
Armenian-related issues and has continually introduced resolutions in the
State Assembly to commemorate the Genocide. It is important to note that
New Jersey occupies a leading “best practices” position on Genocide
education nationally, which is directly attributable to Assemblywoman Voss’
efforts as Vice-Chair of the Education Committee in the New Jersey State

A number of high-level elected officials who were not able to attend this
pan-Armenian Genocide Commemoration program, issued letters expressing their
support of the event and the genocide issue, including: Senators George
Allan (R-VA), Norm Coleman (R-MN), Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), Frank
Lautenberg (D-NJ), Carl Levin (D-MI) and Paul Sarbanes (D-MD), as well as
Representatives Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Mike Ferguson (R-NJ), Robert Andrews
(D-NJ), Steven Rothman (D-NJ), Rush Holt (D-NJ) and Joseph Crowley (D-NY),
in addition to former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Proclamations
in support of this pan-Armenian event and the Armenian Genocide were also
issued by New Jersey Governor Jon S. Corzine, New York Governor George
Pataki and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. These statements, as well
as video clips of the elected officials’ remarks, can be viewed on the
ARMENPAC website at

“The pan-Armenian Genocide Commemoration program in New York City truly
highlighted the impact of the Armenian Genocide, and the importance of its
recognition, not only to Armenians within the Diaspora, but also to the
citizens of the United States. Unfortunately, despite foreign and domestic
political initiatives supporting the Armenian Genocide, United States
President George W. Bush yet again failed to honor his campaign promise to
appropriately recognize the Armenian Genocide in his annual remarks on April
24,” said ARMENPAC Co-Chair Annie Totah. “With time, the Armenian cause
will prevail, and the governments of the United States, as well as Turkey,
will appropriately recognize the Armenian Genocide. However, until that day
comes, we must continue to advocate for recognition as one
pan-Armenian-American community unified in strength and purpose.”

ARMENPAC is an independent, bipartisan political action committee with a
nationwide membership. ARMENPAC raises awareness of, and advocates for,
policies that help create peace, security and stability in the Caucasus
region. ARMENPAC provides financial support to federal officeholders,
candidates, political action committees and organizations that actively
support issues of importance to Armenian-Americans. For more information
and how to join ARMENPAC, please call (877) 286-1046 or visit our website.


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