Arthur Baghdasaryan Will Say “Yes” In Tigran Torosyan’s Favour


[06:17 pm] 01 June, 2006

“We shall have a show titled “secret close voting.”

There is not even a slightest doubt on the results,” announced Arshak
Sadoyan while referring to the NA Speaker’s elections. On the whole,
a number of deputies claimed today that it is no use holding elections
as it is already decided by the President’s office who will be the
next NA Speaker.

While answering the adherents of this opinion the only candidate
of the NA Speaker Tigran Torosyan noted that people of such opinion
first of all insult themselves and don’t rely on their votes.

“We cannot exclude the President’s participation in the events
taking place in the republic that exclusion will be but nonsense. The
President must naturally have his own approach to such questions. I
want to draw your attention to the NA characteristics where any
question is solved on the basis of political concord. That is to
say, at first political forces hold discussions on current events
in which the President’s opinion is also taken into account,” claims
Tigran Torosyan.

The proposal of Tigran Torosyan’s candidacy for the NA Speaker might
be dull if the Opposition didn’t ask him questions.

While referring to the question whether it was worth taking
responsibility for one year Tigran Torosyan mentioned that even if
he is incapable of implementing his programs within that short period
he will pave a way for them, and later his programs will be realized.

The overwhelming majority of the NA parties and factions announced
that they are of high opinion of Torosyan’s skills and abilities and
will vote in his favor. By the way, Tigran Torosyan was very modest
and reserved today and didn’t even try to anticipate whether he will
have the necessary 66 votes to become the NA Speaker.

The most striking among the speeches were two ones.

All wondered how ex Speaker Arthur Baghdasaryan will vote in the
election. He announced that he was satisfied with Tigran Torosyan’s
work and fully supported his candidacy and will vote for him.

Baghdasaryan said that his decision was also determined by the
fact that the session of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation will be
convened in Armenian in 10 days, we shall have many guests and it
would be wiser to have the NA Speaker by then.

Arthur Baghdasaryan also informed today that the OYP will only
participate in the elections of the NA Speaker and won’t participate
in the other two elections; the heads of the two Standing Committees
and the NA Deputy Speaker.

The other striking speech was made by Artashes Geghamyan, leader of
the National Unity who started his speech by reminding the deputies
that their party didn’t participate in the NA previous elections. “We
intended not to participate this time either. But I possess some
information which I want to share with you,” announced Artashes
Geghamyan. Then he passed to the results of a polling held by an
American organization in Armenia according to which the Armenian
residents don’t believe either in the NA, the President or any other

It was difficult to understand from Geghamyan’s words about their
party’s decision on the NA Speaker’s elections. It is noteworthy
that the Opposition refused to participate in the balloting a few
days ago. The members of the “Justice” bloc stick to their decision
and won’t participate in the election.

As for the one-candidate elections without any alternative Tigran
Torosyan finds this fact a norman phenomenon. “I want to remind you
that the last few elections of the NA Speaker were one-candidate. I
see nothing strange or bad in it.”