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BAKU: After Appearance Of I Aliyev In PA NATO,New Opinion Formed Abo

Author: J.Shahverdiyev

TREND, Azerbaijan
June 1 2006

The spring session of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO completed
its work, Trend reports with reference to deputy Siyavush Novruzov,
the member of the Azeri delegation in PA NATO and also the deputy
executive secretary of the “Yeni Azerbaijan” (New Azerbaijan) party.

The head of the “Links” Organization (Great Britain) Denis Samut
delivered a report on the topic “The role of NATO in Southern
Caucasus region”. During his appearance, Samut expressed his
opinion about Southern Caucasus including the development process
in Azerbaijan. Another report on this topic was prepared by the
British deputy Stanford. “However, this report was prepared without
visit to the region. The reporter himself said this in his report,”
said Novruzov. The Azeri delegation expressed its opinion related to
the report.

Novruzov told that one of the important aspects of the session of PA
NATO became the appearance of the Azeri president Ilham Aliyev who
participated at the session at the invitation of the president of
the assembly Pyer Lellush. “In his appearance, Aliyev spoke about
the energy security, economic development of Southern Caucasus,
aggression of Armenia and the issue that our occupied territories
still remain uncontrolled. After the appearance, Aliyev answered the
questions of the deputies” said Novruzov.

The Georgian and Azerbaijan presidents personally participated at the
session. The Armenian president gave consent to participate first,
but then, he refused.

After the appearance of Aliyev and the replies to the questions of
deputies, a quite new opinion formed in PA NATO about Azerbaijan. The
Azerbaijani delegation held meeting in respective committees of
the assembly.

The Azeri delegation participated at the spring session of PA NATO
under the leadership of the first deputy chairman of Milli Mejlis
Ziyafet Askerov, the head of our delegation in the organization.

During the session, there was held exchange of opinion related to
the topics such as cooperation in the Black Sea region, the role
of NATO in Southern Caucasus, energy security, security in Asia,
nuclear policy of Iran and other issues.

Mamian George:
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