Humanity Will Never Be Homogenous: Vahan Hovhannisyan

15:34 03/06/06


Today NA Vice Speaker Vahan Hovhannisyan delivered a lecture at the
parliament on upbringing of an individual in a society. Students
enrolled in summer school civic education program organized by `New
Armenia’ non-profit organization attended the lecture.

V. Hovhannisyan rejected the theses that `one day nationalities will
disappear and the humanity will be homogenous.’ According to
Hovhannisyan, nothing like that will ever happen. `Nationality is not
only the major but the sole form of being,’ he said. The Vice Speaker
is sure that society is not a mechanical unity but organic which is
not possible to change. An Armenian living in France does not become
French, he just changes the passport, he says.

It is easier to establish a state than a nation in Hovhannisyan’s
words. The Armenian nation has devoted itself to family whereas the
major responsibility of the citizen is to serve the nation and people.
Hovhannisyan is sure that today’s youth can become such. /