[07:42 pm] 05 June, 2006
“State officials must have a modest life. He finds pleasure in work
and not in luxurious cars and palaces,” said Vahram Nersisyants,
RA President’s chief adviser on economic issues in “Pakagits” club
in answer to the question of “A1+”. He was awarded to today “for
exceptional activity”.
According to the blitz survey carried out by the Armenian Youth Party
realized by the regional structures of the party Vahram Nersisyan
was recognized the most modest political figure who is one of the
exceptional politicians who does not have a business of his own and
does not make use of his office to solve different problems.
Asked by “A1+” if it is easy to work in a system where it is
exceptional not to have a business of your own Vahram Nersisyants
answered, “I think the Armenian nation has been in a difficult
situation for years because of the absence of religion and the tyranny.
All this have an effect I have seen not only in Armenia but also in
many Latin-American countries and in Africa in 1970s”.
Vahram Nersisyan is convinced that 15 years after independence was won
Armenia is following the path of democratization. He thinks that the
practice of using centered force has been eliminated in Armenia but
the psychology of people is difficult to change. He announced that
this is the reason why the reforms take so long to be carried out,
and although we are way ahead of our neighbors, there is still much
to done before we reach our aim.