82% Of Armenia’s Territory Subjected To Desertification,26% To Extre


Noyan Tapan
Jun 07 2006

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, NOYAN TAPAN. About 82% of Armenia’s territory is
subjected to desertification, and 26% – to extreme desertification. At
the beginning of the 20th century, 20% of the territory of the country
was covered by forest, however, in the early 1990s this area was
reduced by 11% and currently makes less than 10%. The UN Resident
Coordinator in Armenia, UNDP Resident Representative Ms. Consuelo
Vidal stated this during a press conference held on the occasion
of International Day of Environment on June 5. According to her,
deforestation creates numerous problems that affect directly the social
and economic situation in Armenia. “We are appealing to the government,
civil society and the mass media to make a concerted effort to combat
desertification,” she said.

RA Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Simon Papian pointed out such
practical environmental protection-related steps taken in Armenia over
the last three years as raising the level of Lake Sevan by 1.8 meters
and making 90% of water use legal. In his words, the legislative
field on environmental protection has been fully updated, although
there is still much to be done in the sphere.

This year’s subject was “Desert and Desertification, Do Not Make Dry
Lands a Desert”. Dry and not irrigated areas with a population of
about 2 billion now make up 41% of the world’s territory.