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AGBU Rebuilds Villages In Hadrut Region


Noyan Tapan
Armenians Today
Jun 07 2006

General Benevolent Union (AGBU) rebuilds 3 villages in the NKR
region of Hadrut. Levon Kebabdjian, a member of the AGBU Central
Board of Directors is the initiator and coordinator of the program
on restoration and resettlement with refugees of villages suffered
from the Artsakh war.

According to the information submitted to Noyan Tapan by the AGBU
Armenian representation, AGBU Armenian Director Ashot Ghazarian and
NKR Prime Minister Anushavan Danielian visited the region of Hadrut
recently to get acquainted with works being done in the villages being
rebuilt by the AGBU, to discuss new programs. Other officials of the
NKR were in Hadrut as well.

One of the goals of the visit was final affirmation of the territory
for rebuilding another village in Hadrut by means of Michael Ansour,
a member of the AGBU Central Board of Directors. It was considered
purposeful to rebuilt the village of Jrakn near Norashen. The AGBU
proposal to rebuild another village in future was discussed as well. It
is possible that it will be one of the villages near Bareshen what
will give possibility to use infrastructures of Bareshen.

The AGBU started a program of rebuilding villages in the region of
Hadrut 5 years ago. The first village founded by the organization here
is Norashen rebuilt by the AGBU French branch where 22 families live
today. The village has a kindergarten where a school and emergency
room are temporarily placed as well. Construction of the new school
building will finish soon in Norashen.

Works of rebuilding of the village of Bareshen are being done by
efforts of the AGBU London branch. 6 dwelling houses are being built
here at present.

Raimond Haroutiunian, the head of the Young Workmen’s Board of the
AGBU Tehran branch allocated the 500 dollats gathered as a result of
the event organized recently in Tehran to assist AGBU resettlement
programs to furnishing of a classroom in the Norashen school.

Ekmekjian Janet:
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