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Does U.S. Embassy Know Names?


08 June 06

The United States is dissatisfied with the spending of the money
provided to Armenia to combat trafficking. John Miller, U.S. State
Department Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons,
hinted at this June 7, during the telebridge with Armenian news
reporters. During this teleconference Mr. Miller answered the questions
of Armenian news reporters related to the Armenia’s country narrative
of the Trafficking in Persons Report 2005.

John Miller said over the past few years the American taxpayers
have contributed about 600 thousand US dollars to Armenia, which
was spent on informing and educating news reporters and workers of
the sphere of law. He says that one of the important programs now
underway is the one implemented by the International Organization
for Migration which is not as effective as they would like it
to be. Nevertheless, according to him, these programs helped to
raise awareness of this issue. However, Mr. Miller emphasized that
prosecution is insufficient. He gave the example of a Procuracy member,
who allegedly assisted traffickers but his case was not investigated.

The reporter of Lragir.am enquired from the U.S. State Department
official whether the U.S. State Department may present a list
of government officials who allegedly assist trafficking to the
government Armenia if necessity arises. John Miller’s answer can be
considered ambiguous.

He particularly said it would be more correct to ask this question to
their colleagues in the embassy, for they watch the general situation,
aiming to combat corruption in the government. As to the exchange
of information between the law-enforcement agencies and the embassy,
they may exchange such information. Mr. Miller stated that whenever
their office obtains facts proving the trafficking information, they
immediately extend these facts to their embassy to that country,
says the head of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in
Persons since 2004.

Zargarian Hambik:
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