European Parliament Vice-Chairman Treats Turkey’s Membership To EuWi


Noyan Tapan
Armenians Today
Jun 07 2006

conference with participation of parliamentarians of 25 country-members
of EU, European Parliament, parliamentarians of countries included
in the New Neighborhood program in late 2006 in Brussels to discuss
the prospects of development of parliaments’ cooperation under lack
of the European Constitution.

European Parliament Vice-Chairman Edward Macmillan-Scott informed
about it on June 7, when meeting with the Coordinating Group of the
Business and Parliament International Association led by RA National
Assembly Vice-Speaker Vahan Hovhannisian.

MPs from RA National Assembly groups and factions are included in
the group.

The European Parliament Vice-Chairman coordinates cooperation among
parliaments of EU member-states, countries included in the New
Neighborhood program and countries of Mediterranean Sea basin.

According to Edward Macmillan-Scott, the European Parliament tries
to increase the involvement of national parliaments in cooperation,
in particular, in the issue of bringing the national legislation
in correspondence with the European one. According to him, the
role of the national parliaments should be raised in the issue of
harmonization of the legislation. The European guest mentioned that a
general-united approach should be shown, while only separate issues
are solved today. As the prevailing majority of the laws adopted
at the European Parliament is connected with economic activity and
business environment, the outlined cooperation will be just in the
sphere of harmonization of the economic legislation.

RA NA Vice-Speaker considers this a new possibility: only the sphere
of human rights, the reforms of the Constitution and the criminal
legislation have been mainly involved in the European integration
process up to this day. He mentioned that among CIS countries Armenia
distinguishes itself by its liberal economic legislation, but it has
problems in practice. NA Vice-Speaker said that Armenia, in difference
to EU, should implement the harmonization of the legislation in
conditions of closed borders. Vahan Hovhannisian considers useful
the experience of the European Parliament. He also mentioned that the
European Parliament managed to move the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations
to a new stage: a meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides
has been twice organized in Brussels, within the framework of the
OSCE Minsk Group. The third meeting is to be held in Belgium during
the coming month.

As Noyan Tapan was informed from NA Public Relations Department,
Coordinating Group member Grigor Ghonjeyan, who is also a member
of the EU-Armenia Interparliamentary Cooperation Commission, noted
that Armenia is not presented as a possible member of EU in any
document adopted at the commission, even as a member in the distant
future. In thess conditions he prognoses some difficulties in the
process of bringing the economic legislation in correspondence with
the European one.

E.Macmillan-Scott mentioned that two models are in circulation at
EU today.

The French-German model envisages rather a large area of EU extension.

Meanwhile, a decision was adopted in January, according to which the
Ukraine is considered a country on the way of membership to EU. In
this case why not Armenia, Georgia or Azerbaijan?, Scott emphasized. He
treats Turkey’s membership to EU with some reservation.

The Armenian parliamentarians also spoke about the Actions Plan
envisaged by the New Neighborhood policy. It was mentioned that the
three regional countries with their resources and achievements are
artifically equalized. They expressed an opinion that an individual
program should be implemented for each country.

The European Parliament Vice-Chairman wishes to apply equal principles
of cooperation and to provide exchange of experience among parliaments.