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Armenia Already Fulfilled Major Commitments to CE


Armenia Already Fulfilled Major Commitments to CE
10.06.2006 14:39 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia has already fulfilled basic requirements on
commitments to the Council of Europe (CE), Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian
stated at a news conference in Yerevan after a meeting with Ago
Monitoring Group of the CE Committee of Ministers. In Oskanian’s
words, Armenia will have to make the legislation comply with the
reformed Constitution now.

«This refers to reforms in the Criminal Code, Law on Media and the
Electoral Code,» the Minister said. In his words, during the meeting
with the Ago Monitoring Group the Karabakh settlement was also
discussed. «We presented some details of the talks and developments,»
the Armenian FM underscored.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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