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Kocharyan Satisfied With Current Level Of Armenian-Swiss Relations


ARKA News Agency, Armenia
June 13 2006

YEREVAN, June 13. /ARKA/. Armenian President Robert Kocharyan is
satisfied with the current level of the Armenian-Swiss relations. The
press service of the Armenian president reported that Kocharian
reported this during his meeting with Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline

Kocharian highly appreciated that assistance rendered by Switzerland
with the current reforms in Armenia, and pointed out the country’s
inclusion in the Agency for Development and Cooperation.

In its turn, the foreign ministry of Switzerland stated that the
country closely watches the processes in South Caucasus, showing
especial interest in the problems of stability, security and migration.

According to Switzerland, Armenia enjoys a big "capital of sympathy"
in this country, as well as thanks to the Swiss Armenians.

At the same time, both sides pointed out that the indicators of the
bilateral economic relations are rather inconsiderable. They emphasized
the need in a more systematized cooperation.

In this relation, they stressed the importance on the agreement on
exclusion of double taxation signed the day before, and on the economic
forum currently held in Zurich and the bilateral business contacts.

The President of Armenia and the Swiss Foreign Minister also
highly appreciated the two countries’ cooperation at international

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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