Tehran Not Informed About Gazprom’s Willingness To Participate In Ir


Regnum, Russia
June 13 2006

No changes had been made in Armenian-Iranian agreement on the
Iran-Armenia pipeline construction, Iranian Vice-Ambassador to Armenia
Ali Akbar Jokar stated during a news conference on June 13.

According to him, making of changes is conditioned by all parties’
agreement. "We are not informed about a wish of the Russian side to
participate in the pipeline construction. Information, that Russian
Gazprom has received Iran-Armenia pipeline’s section, is not confirmed
during Armenian top-level officials too," the vice-ambassador stated.

Also, Ali Akbar Jokar stated that the pipeline is constructed within
the schedule – "the pipeline will be put into operation on the target
date." "Iran assumed obligations to supply gas to Armenia and it will
keep its word," Jokar concluded.

It is worth reminding that earlier Gazprom Deputy CEO Alexander
Ryazanov stated that Gazprom would solve question of its participation
in Iran-Armenia pipeline construction by the end of 2006. According
to him, there was agreement between the company and the Armenian
energy ministry, but it had frame character and did not consider
details. Ryazanov informed that working group was established to
discuss questions, connected with list of energy objects, which
would enter into the project later, as well as with scheme of gas
processing. Intergovernmental agreement would also be needed for
Gazprom’s participation in Iran-Armenia pipeline’s construction.

It is worth reminding that pipeline’s 40-km long Megri-Kajaran
section is constructed due to $30 mln Iranian credit. The pipeline’s
construction is to be finished till 1 January 2007. At the first stage,
Iran will supply into Armenia 1.1 bln cubic meters of gas annually,
and since 2019 – 2.3 bln cubic meters of gas annually.

After the pipeline’s construction will be finished, it will be
connected up to ArmRosgazprom gas-main system.