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Russia-Turkey Relations Became Normal and Friendly

Russia-Turkey Relations Became Normal and Friendly

24.06.2006 15:50 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russia-Turkey relations have become normal and
friendly, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of World Economy and
International Relations Victor Nadein-Rayevsky stated in an interview
with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, when answering a question on coming
visit of Turkish President Ahmet Sezer to Moscow. He reminded that 90%
of Turkish export goes to Russia. "Turkish economy has strengthened a
bit during past 2-3 years. As of discussion of international problems,
these are discussed at any meeting of that level. Russia cannot play
any role in EU-Turkey relations, as the issue of Russia’s accession
to the EU is not on the agenda. As of regional conflicts, of course
these will be subject to discussion between Putin and Sezer," the
Russian scholar believes.

Nahapetian Lilit:
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