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Israel Needs A Preemptive Nuclear Strike Against Iran

By Jonathan Ariel

Israel News Agency, Israel
June 25 2006

Evidence of Iran building nuclear weapons.

After Iran stated that it will "wipe Israel off the map" Israel must
now act to defend herself.

Jerusalem —– June 24…… One of the best ways to ensure the world
doesn’t get wobbly over Iran, is to make it understand that although
Israel prefers to regard the rogue Islamic regime as an international
problem, we will, if necessary, do whatever it takes to ensure our
survival, including a preemptive nuclear strike.

In 1936, when Hitler marched into the Rhineland the allies appeased
him, even though they could have been in Berlin in two weeks. In 1938
they once again let him off the hook, even though the allies could
have been in Berlin within two months. Shortly after the appeasement
of Munich, Russia signed a non-aggression treaty with Hitler, setting
the stage for what it hoped would be his defeat of the West, which
would pave the way for Russian domination of Eurasia, from Lisbon
to Vladivostok.

Now we have Iran, a country led by Ahmadinejad, an equally deranged
and evil maniac. He is driven by an ideology combining elements of
Nazism and Mahdism, with a tad of Maoism as well, a lethal cocktail
of three of the most evil ideologies of human political history.

By most current intelligence estimates, by 2008, exactly 70 years
after Chamberlain announced on his return from Munich he had achieved
"peace in our time", the Iranian Islamo-Nazi regime will have succeeded
in developing an atomic bomb. Although it seems that the international
community has belatedly begun to awaken to the danger, it is still far
from certain that this will actually lead to concrete and concerted
steps to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Moreover, even if the West does get its act together, three is no
guarantee that Russia will not revert to course, enacting a repeat
performance of the Molotov-Ribbentrob pact. Putin seriously mulling
double crossing the West.

This week new and highly disturbing evidence came to light that this
is exactly what Russia is doing. According to a western intelligence
report published earlier this week, satellite images showed large
volumes of heavy Russian weaponry heading towards Iran. The weapons
belonged to Russian military units evacuating Georgia, as part of
the Russian-Georgian agreement signed in March, which calls for all
Russian troops to be withdrawn from Georgian soil.

The Russians were evacuating their two big Soviet-era military bases
in Georgia on the shores of the Black Sea – the 12th base in Batumi
and the 62nd at Akhalkalaki to the north, 19 miles from the Turkish
border. The mages revealed the retreating Russian units moving along
not one but two routes. The first showed small groups of Russian
officers and soldiers heading out of Georgia carrying only their
personal kits, the second was jammed with convoys of trucks loaded
with weapons and logistical systems, radar and ammo.

Freight trains were also pressed into service. This route wound out
of Georgia and headed into Armenia where the vehicles halted at the
Russian base near Gyumri. A Russian military spokesman explained this
relocation by stating that "the property of the 62nd (Akhalkalaki),
Georgia, would be reassigned to replenish Russia’s 102nd base in
Gyumri, Armenia." He added: "The transfer of this property to any
other party is not envisioned."

However Armenia was not the "the property’s" last stop. The close
watch on the Russian supplies convoys continued and, lo and behold,
a third route surfaced, this one heading out of the 102nd base in
Armenia and into Iran.

Western military sources have traced the route these weapons took.

>>From Gyumri, the trucks and trains rolled on to the Armenian capital
of Yerevan. There, they were offloaded onto Armenian and Iranian
trucks and trains, which turned south to the Iranian border. The
freight crossed the border and halted at the Iranian town of Sadarak.

Its next stop was the Iranian-Azeri town of Naxcivan and then on to
Tabriz. Subsequent shipments by truck and rail followed the same route,
They included APCs, heavy artillery, Grad rockets, BM-21mm missiles
and anti-aircraft systems.

So far this year, Iran has purchased over $7 billion for arms from
Russia, including anti-air, nuclear-capable Tor-M1 cruise missiles,
considered by experts the most advanced of its kind in the world.

Iran has purchased these missiles to secure the Bushehr atomic reactor
and other nuclear sites. These sources say that Teheran is using the
Georgian weapons deal as bait, to get Moscow to part with weapons
and technologies it has so far refrained from passing over to the
ayatollahs, specifically technology transfers enabling Iran to begin
domestic production of the sophisticated Russian X-5518 nuclear cruise
missiles, known also as Kh-55 or AS-15s.

Tehran already has a dozen of these missiles, which have a 3,000km
range and are capable of carrying a 200-kiloton nuclear warhead. They
were purchased on the black market of Ukraine in 2005. Teheran
has reportedly promised to significantly increase its purchase
of conventional weapons from Russia, if it agrees to the missile
technology transfer.

Despite the uncertainty as to whether Russia (and possibly China as
well) would cooperate with the West regarding Iran, the conventional
wisdom has remained unchanged, namely that Iran is an international
problem, being dealt with accordingly by the international community,
and that Israel should therefore take a back seat.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The world needs to understand
very clearly that Israel cannot and will not allow a Holocaust
-denying regime that openly calls for its destruction to wield a
nuclear bomb. Israel needs to make it very clear that the consequence
of it having to face a nuclear Iran by itself will be a preemptive
strike against Iran.

The more the international community gets the message that the
consequences of appeasement will be worse than those of action,
the better the chances of action. The growing evidence of Russian
perfidy makes it even more important that there be no room for
misunderstandings in this regard. The best way to get that message
across is to make it very clear that if Israel is faced between an
Iran nuclear bomb, or having to launch a preemptive nuclear strike
to prevent that eventuality, it will opt for the latter.

The world must be told loud and clear by Israel that the only way to
avoid the first nuclear strike by a nation since Nagasaki is to take
whatever actions are required to ensure Iran doesn’t get the bomb,
and to prevent an Iranian conventional weapons build up to the point
where a preemptive nuclear strike becomes the only option for dealing
with the rogue ayatollah regime.

Jonathan Ariel, was an advisor to the South African government and
is a former editor-in-chief of the Israel on-line Maariv International.

He has filled numerous positions with well known Israel and
international media organizations such as Maariv, Makor Rishon,
Jerusalem Post, Ha’aretz, The International Herald Tribune, Israel
Radio, SABC and the Independent Foreign Service. These include
Managing-Editor of Makor Rishon and Editor-in-Chief of Maariv
International. He has been interviewed and quoted by leading media
organizations such as the LA Times, The Economist, The Guardian,
The New York Sun, Times of India, The Australian, Sunday Times and
the BBC. His articles have been translated into over a dozen major
languages, including German, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Serbo-Croatian,
Spanish, French, Arabic, Japanese, Korean and Chinese. He has degrees
in Political Science and Journalism. He speaks English and Hebrew at
mother tongue level, French, Dutch (Afrikaans) fluently.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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