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Karabakh Conflict Still Too Far from Solution

Karabakh Conflict Still Too Far from Solution

24.06.2006 15:53 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Nagorno Karabakh conflict is sill too far from
its solution and those, who say it can be solved in 2-3 years make
too optimistic statements, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute
of World Economy and International Relations Victor Nadein-Rayevsky
stated in an interview with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter in Yerevan. In
his words, the desire to solve the conflict depends on all parties,
however Azerbaijan is not yet able to provide security guarantees to
the NKR people.

"Lately Azeri position changes and that is good, Baku adds some
realism. However, it should not be forgotten that the years of NKR
independence had their role. The people are not only a subject,
but also an object of the international law and they should decide
their future themselves. There is no difference whether a state is
recognized by the international community or not. The NKR is a party to
the conflict and its presence at the talks is compulsory. They speak
of some autonomy models, but they do not ask the NKR population. I
am sure this is not correct," Victor Nadein-Rayevsky underscored.

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