Non-Complementary Damnation

Tigran Avetisian
28 June 06

There is an impression that the unpleasant incident happened to the
Catholicos of the whole Armenians in Istanbul was just what a lot of
people in Armenia wished. And how great and deep their desperation
would be if the Catholicos’ visit passed without adventures and
didn’t mark by hooliganism of some extremist idiots. Unless they
wouldn’t have such a wonderful occasion to cry about "vandal essence"
of Turkish type and "that people’s indisputable incompatibility to
European standards". This underlining are quoted from the press.

While a lot of people who consider themselves politicians, public men
or art workers put into circulation such shameful expressions that
they made us think about mass psychotherapy of some groups of our
society. The most interesting thing is that nobody declared about the
above-mentioned incident; Â"Dear compatriots, you shouldn’t describe
the whole nation for the reason of some rabbles, which is full of
dangerous political consequences".

We shouldn’t remind that we don’t have the lack of such kind of
declarations when our innocent compatriots are killed in Russian
cities owing to national identity.

Another observation; nowadays Turks are accused of "false reforms"
and " providing for the veil of democracy". But I’d advise those who
accuse, to mark first of all the last presidential and parliamentary
elections, not forgetting the shameful referendum in autumn. Then it
will be clear what veil means.

From: Baghdasarian