Nairobi: Raila and Nyong’o demand minister’s sacking

The Standard, Kenya
June 30 2006

Raila and Nyong’o demand minister’s sacking

By David Ohito

Legislators Raila Odinga and Anyang’ Nyong’o have challenged the
Government to sack Cabinet ministers John Michuki and Gideon
Konchella over their roles in the Armenian brothers saga.

Raila said the Government would only redeem itself and prove it was
genuine in its investigations by sacking the ministers mentioned in
the saga. He said Kenyans had lost confidence in the ministers.

Said Nyong’o: "It confirms President Kibaki’s government needs an
external force to keep it in power, having lost the political support
of the people of Kenya".

Michuki is the Internal Security minister and Konchella is his
Immigration counterpart. Raila, who is Lang’ata MP, said when he
raised the flag on the bogus Artur Margaryan and Artur Sargasyan,
Michuki accused him of being a self-seeker who wanted political
mileage out of the saga.

"Michuki and Konchella have no business holding ministerial positions
after protecting criminals and aiding them in their activities, they
should have quit long ago," said Raila.

Criminal record

"Michuki defended the Arturs as investors and asked me to keep off.
Now the truth is coming out and the Government is merely engaging in
a public relations exercise to blackmail Kenyans," added Raila.

He wondered why the Government had decided to investigate the saga
long after Interpol informed it that Margaryan had a criminal record.

"The brothers committed crimes and breached security at the Jomo
Kenyatta International Airport, but they were still escorted by
Government details. What moral authority do they have to investigate
the Armenians?" he asked.

He said the duo should have been put on the dock to face criminal
charges in Kenya before being deported. The MPs were attending an
education conference in Kisumu.

Raila challenged Michuki and Konchella to resign to pave way for

"The Government is on a desperate cosmetic attempt to clean itself
from the revelations that the brothers were criminals," Raila said.