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The 102nd Base Prefers A Training Range

by Alexander Tikhonov, Oleg Gorupay

Source: Krasnaya Zvezda, June 29, 2006, p. 2
Agency WPS
July 3, 2006 Monday

FOR THE PERSONNEL COLLAPSE OF THE 1990S; Meeting of commanders of
regiments, separate military units, their deputies and commanders of
the branches and services of the Armed Forces was accomplished in the
group of Russian forces in Transcaucasia (GRVZ) under supervision of
GRVZ commander Mayor General Andrei Popov at the 102nd military base
deployed in Gyumri (Armenia).

Meeting of commanders of regiments, separate military units, their
deputies and commanders of the branches and services of the Armed
Forces was accomplished in the group of Russian forces in Transcaucasia
(GRVZ) under supervision of GRVZ commander Mayor General Andrei
Popov at the 102nd military base deployed in Gyumri (Armenia). For
a month subordinates of commander of this base Mayor General Andrei
Kholzakov and officers of the GRVZ staff were preparing for training
exercises and working out a plan a plan of the demonstrative battalion
tactical exercises.

Preparation of the meeting was impacted by the fact that simultaneously
personnel of the military base and the GRVZ in general was occupied
with withdrawal of armament and combat hardware from the military
bases in Georgia to Russia and partially to Armenia. Along with this,
this factor did not impact the quality of the training.

In the course of the meeting it was noticeable that representatives
of the younger generation (up to 30 years old) having the posts of
commanders and deputy commanders of some separate battalions and even
regiments had a level of training a little lower and sometimes much
lower than that of representatives of the older generation occupying
the same posts. Control exercises in the training subjects organized
during the meeting demonstrated significant difference in theoretical
and practical level of training of officers depending on their age.

According to opinion of one of commanders of the branches of Armed
Forces of the 102nd military base (an experienced combat officer)
shared by very many people, in current circumstances quitting of
the Armed Forces by officers born between 1958 and 1969 may result
in collapse in a level of combat readiness of the Armed Forces. It
will be simply impossible to substitute them with anyone. To be more
accurate, the substitution will be unequal.

There are several reasons for this. The first is the level of training
of graduates of the military educational institutions of 1995-2004
(in the troops they are even sometimes called a lost generation). A
significant part of them tried to retire immediately.

Second, it is impossible to organize efficient combat training in
military units of reduced strength. Eight training days a month for
military units manned less than 50% is probably the optimal possible
figure, although it is evidently insufficient for training of a highly
professional soldier, leaving apart improvement of combat skills of
officers. In such circumstance when an officer in a rank of major
enters the academy in the best case he manages to receive superficial
acquaintance with the procedure of preparation and conduction of
company tactical exercises and to visit demonstrative battalion
tactical exercises in capacity of a student.

In the current situation, the 102nd military base is in a slightly
better situation than some other units. First, every year one of its
mechanized infantry units (with significant reinforcement) participates
in joint regimental tactical exercises crowned with firing practice
with the Armenian party. Second, command of the GRVZ and the 102nd
base decisively stops attempts of some officers to insist that for
mechanized infantry units of reduced strength manned less than 50%
the highest form of training (field training) is firing practice of
platoons according to normative documents. Finally, there are three
training ranges at disposal of the 102nd base. These are Nubarashen,
Kamkhud and Alagyaz (a tank and artillery range). The mountain
training center Pambak is also used actively under an agreement with
the Armenian party. Availability of a developed training range base
allows the maximum efficient use of the training time determined by
normative documents for units of reduced strength.

There is no doubt that it is not easy for subordinates of General
Kholzakov, commander of the 102nd military base, to combine
fulfillment of the everyday tasks including reception of the Russian
armament removed from Georgia with the training process. However,
senior officers say that more active combat training has positive
influence on all aspects of the base’s activities. First of all,
observance of regulations by servicemen is improved, the field becomes
a familiar training place for soldiers and company and battalion
tactical exercises become a norm of life for mechanized infantry. It
is possible to say for sure now that affairs of the 102nd military
base are going on well and that only through intensive combat training
it is possible to compensate for the personnel collapse of the 1990s.

Maghakian Mike:
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