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ANKARA: Gul: Turkish Economy Gives Confidence To The World


Anatolian Times, Turkey
July 6 2006

WASHINGTON – Turkey showed its economy is strong after recent
fluctuations in markets, Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said
on Wednesday.

Speaking to Turkish journalists after his joint news conference with
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Washington on Wednesday,
Gul said that U.S. officials told him that Turkey is strong in economic
aspect and gives confidence to the world. The U.S. officials told him
that Turkey was not considered as a loose link in the chain any more,
he added.

Noting that in his meetings in the U.S., the importance of
Turkish-U.S. relations was emphasized, Gul said, "our relations are
much stronger and healthier."

"We have discussed Iran, Iraq, PKK terrorist organization, Middle
East problem, recent tension between Israel and Palestine, Cyprus,
ending isolations over Turkish Cypriots, drafts about so-called
Armenian genocide, recent contacts in Damascus about Middle East
problem, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, Samsun-Ceyhan pipeline,
Turkey’s economic performance in recent period, Turkey-EU relations and
Turkey’s contributions in regional and international issues," said Gul.

Regarding visit of Turkish Prime Ministry Advisor Ahmet Davudoglu to
Damascus, Gul said that Turkey launched initiatives to stop tension
in Middle East upon demands, and Davudoglu met Syrian President,
adding that the meeting was positive.

When asked how recent Israeli-Palestinian tension can be solved,
Gul said, "our position is obvious. Everybody should do their best
and a peace process should start. The ministers and kidnapped soldier
should be released and operations in Gaza should be stopped. Thus,
a new milieu can be established. Both societies should accept the
two-state solution."

Regarding Cyprus issue, Gul said, "this issue necessitates patience.

We are insistent and determined about negotiations. The important
thing is to explain the right cause to everybody. The United States
does not withhold its support about Cyprus issue, and their efforts
will increase."

Upon another question, Gul said, "Iraq’s territorial integrity,
political unity and stability are common targets of Turkey and the
United States. Also, we have discussed (with Rice) the attitude of
Armenian lobby in the United States. I said everybody should do their
best to prevent adoption of an Armenian draft in the United States."

Following the news conference, Gul met representatives of Jewish
lobby in the United States.

Harutyunian Christine:
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