BAKU: Framework Deal Sheer Speculation, Official Says


AzerNews Weekly, Azerbaijan
July 6 2006

Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov has said no "framework
agreement" on the Armenia-Azerbaijan Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh conflict
is under discussion.

Azimov said it was premature to talk of any final accord at this
stage in the peace process.

"I can say with confidence that there is no such document and talks
are still underway. In general, these statements were quite hasty and
provocative," the Azerbaijani President’s Upper Garabagh negotiator
said when commenting on a recent statement by the co-chairs of
the mediating OSCE Minsk Group that sparked off a great deal of

US co-chair Matthew Bryza has told Radio Liberty that the mediators
submitted a framework accord to the conflicting sides but the latter
have yet to accept it.

"The co-chairs’ statement was aimed to see how the developments
would unfold and to study public opinion. But in any case, it was
inconclusive. By taking some snippets out of the general context we
cannot develop an unbiased view on the gist of the talks and this
only leads to misunderstanding," Azimov said.

Azimov unequivocally dismissed statements that the Azeri government had
agreed for a referendum to be held in Upper Garabagh in the future. A
referendum could be held only on the entire territory of Azerbaijan
as a nationwide poll in compliance with the constitution.

"The Azerbaijani leadership will never step back from its stance on the
referendum issue. Any speculation to that end is false," Azimov said.

"The Armenians living in Upper Garabagh were not the only residents
of the region. It was also home to Azerbaijanis. If we are talking
about democracy, the demographic composition of the region must be
restored and the Azerbaijani community must be given the chance to
return to their homes. To make this possible, a peaceful environment
must be ensured, and that requires the withdrawal of Armenian armed
forces. The Armenian side has accepted this logic."

Mediators ‘clarify’ statement The Minsk Group co-chairmen issued a
statement on Monday to follow up on their report released hot on the
heels of a meeting in Vienna on June 22.

"Taking into account the recent speculation about basic principles
for a negotiated settlement of the Garabagh conflict proposed to both
parties by the Minsk Group co-chairs, it is necessary to make the
following clarification," said the document released by the French
embassy in Baku.

"The co-chairs reported to the OSCE Permanent Council on the results
of the past months of negotiations between the sides on the Garabagh
conflict. They reported on their intensive mediation activities
over the past seven months aimed at achieving agreement on the basic
principles for a settlement.

"Throughout their mediation efforts, the co-chairs stressed the
confidence of their nations and of the international community that
the dispute can be resolved in no other way than peace."

The mediation efforts of the intermediaries resulted in the proposal
to Presidents Aliyev and Kocharian of a "set of fair, balanced, and
workable core principles that could pave the way for the two sides
to draft a far-reaching settlement agreement".

"The principles are based on the redeployment of Armenian troops from
Azerbaijani territories around Upper Garabagh, with special modalities
for Kalbajar and Lachin districts (including a corridor between
Armenia and Upper Garabagh), demilitarization of those territories
and a referendum or population vote (at a date and in a manner to be
decided through further talks) to determine the final legal status
of the region," the Minsk Group said.

"Suitable pre-conditions would have to be achieved for the vote
to take place in a non-coercive environment in which well-informed
citizens have had ample opportunity to consider their positions after
a vigorous debate in the public arena."

The mediators indicated that deployment of an international
peacekeeping force and a joint commission for implementation of the
agreement would be established, and international assistance would
be made available for de-mining, reconstruction, and resettlement of
IDPs in the occupied territories and the war-affected regions. The
MG said the sides would renounce the use or threat of use of force,
and international and bilateral security guarantees and assurances
would be put in place.

Touching on the most recent meeting between the two leaders in
Bucharest, the intermediaries said that unfortunately, the two did
not reach agreement on these principles. The co-chairs, however,
continue to believe that the proposals developed through the past
two years of negotiations "hold the best potential for achieving a
just and lasting settlement of the conflict".

"We strongly believe that it is now time for the two Presidents to
take the initiative for achieving a breakthrough in the settlement
process based on these principles, and stand ready to assist the
parties to conclude an agreement if the presidents indicate that they
are prepared to do so," the statement said.

"Although no additional meetings between the sides under the auspices
of the co-chairs are planned for the immediate future, they will be
ready to re-engage if the parties decide to pursue the talks with
the political will that has thus far been lacking."

Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian has praised the
intermediaries’ proposals.

"The suggestions are largely acceptable for the Armenian side and
we are ready to continue talks with Azerbaijan," he said in Yerevan
on Monday.

The minister said they equally benefit both parties to the conflict,
regarding this as "the right way to reach compromise".

"I believe that Azerbaijan will realize this and take appropriate
steps," he said.
From: Baghdasarian