BAKU: Regular Phase Of Armenian-Turkish Negotiations Seems To Fail


Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
Democratic Azerbaijan
July 4 2006

Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Turkey are preparing for
4th phase of the preliminary negotiations aiming at normalization of
bilateral relations. The Press-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Turkey, Namig Tan informed at weekly press-conference.

Reminding the failure of the previous three phases of negotiations
because of destructive position and statement of fictitious "genocide"
of Armenia, Namig Tan said that currently there is a little hope
for progress. He said that the Prime-Minister of Turkey, Receb
Tayyib Erdogan, the leader of CHP, Deniz Baykal and the Turkish
Parliament uphold Turkish proposal concerning establishment of
the joint commission composed of Turkish and Armenian historians
for exploring the "genocide" issue, but Armenia, to the contrary,
reinforced propaganda of fictitious "genocide".

Namig Tan, meaning the Nagorno-Garabagh conflict, highlighted that
equally with bilateral relations with Turkey, Armenia has serious
regional problems. He stressed that the official Iravan should take
more constructive approach to its solution.

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