Constitution Started To Function: Davit Harutunyan

17:57 04/07/06

A person goes to restaurant and asks for "borshch".

They say they have no "borshch." He asks for another dish but they
did not have that one, too. The third dish turns out to be not
available too. So, the person gets angry and says, "is this a menu
or a constitution?"

Telling this anecdote at a ceremonial event dedicated to the day of
Constitution which is tomorrow, justice minister Davit Harutunyan said
constitution is traditionally regarded a piece of paper which is not
practically applied. But Harutunyan also said that after constitutional
reforms, our constitution started "to function and has not place to
stop." To accomplish that, one needs political wish and will, Human
Rights Ombudsman Armen Harutunyan said.

The Chairman of Constitutional Court Gagik Harutunian attached
importance to the fact that the constitutional court is entitled
to make decisions on its own. In the part, the CC had to reach a
decision in one month whereas replies from difference agencies on
their letters reached CC in three months, he said.