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The Conflict Was Not Instigated By One Person


04 July 06

Ashot Bleyan, the New Way Party, announced July 4 at the Pastark Club
that the statement of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair Mathew Bryza is
favorable, for it allows to become alert, understand, focus attention
on the fact that the conflict is not resolved and the resolution is
not likely in the nearest future. The conflict was not instigated
by one person, and if all of us took part in the occurrence of the
conflict, consequently this complicated conflict cannot be resolved
without participation of everyone of us in person, believes Ashot
Bleyan. After this statement he noticed, "It is useful that people
worry about Bryza’s statement, why are you afraid?"

Republican Armen Ashotyan, debating with mutual accusations and stings,
says Mathew Bryza who has experience of a mediator in Georgian-Ossetian
and Georgian-Abkhazian conflicts, has assumed a greater goal. He must
expedite the settlement of the conflict for the sake of the economic
interests of the United States and the question of Iran. And these
interests are the ways of energy resource supply, notes Ashotyan and
announces that Bryza’s statement smells the oil of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
and the gas of Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum. This gas pipeline will supply
Europe, says Ashotyan. He is also hopeful that one day Iran-Armenia
will become a transit pipeline to Europe.

Ashot Bleyan says, "It is clear that at one time the former government
was busy hampering Azerbaijan, allegedly it has no oil and gas and a
strike is enough to make it collapse. It is obvious that Azerbaijan
is not going to collapse, on the contrary, the rates of development
of Azerbaijan in the past few years and in the upcoming two years
exceed the rates of development in Armenia several times.

It is known that the state budgets, state wealth cannot be compared.

If we are trying to measure our budgets by hundreds of millions,
they are already measuring by billions of dollars, it is obvious
that Azerbaijan increasingly feels confident as a powerful state in
the region."

Kharatian Ani:
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