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Armenian Delegation to PA OSCE Spread Booklets on Vandalism of Azeri

Armenian Delegation to PA OSCE Spread Booklets on Vandalism of Azeri Authorities

07.07.2006 16:57

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – A representative of Nagorno Karabakh will appear at
the rostrum of the OSCE PA one day, head of the Armenian delegation
to the OSCE PA, Armenian parliament vice-speaker Vahan Hovhannisian
stated when addressing the OSCE PA session. Drawing parallels between
Montenegro and Nagorno Karabakh he attracted the attention of the OSCE
parliamentarians to Serbia’s civilized approach in a similar issue.

As third secretary at the RA Embassy in Belgium Tigran Balayan told
a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the members of the Assembly were given
booklets telling about the vandalism of the Azeri authorities as
regard the Armenian cultural monuments.

The speech of the Azerbaijani representative was fully dedicated to
the fires in the near-border regions of the NKR and Azerbaijan. The
discussions proved that the fires were a natural phenomenon, however
the Azeri deputy accused the Armenian side of inactivity in fire
extinguishing. In conclusion of the session Armenian parliamentarian
Artashes Geghamian presented the facts proving Azerbaijan’s guilt
in fire initiation.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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