BAKU: Interview of Aliyev to Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet

[July 10, 2006, 21:06:52]

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
July 10 2006

The following is the interview the President of Azerbaijan Ilham
Aliyev gave on July 4 in Baku to the reporter of the Turkish newspaper
Cumhuriyet Leyla Tavshanoglu.

QUESTION: Mr. President, we have, at last, reached the final stage
of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project that we have been anticipating
for many years. When visiting Kazakhstan you met with President
Nazarbayev, and agreed on using the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline to
carry the Kazakh oil. How do assess this – i.e. the fact that the
Kazakh oil will also be transported via this pipeline – on the eve
of the official opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline?

ANSWER: It once again proves the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline
to be very advantageous project from not only economic but also
any other viewpoints. We have worked at it for several years,
and were implementing this large project in collaboration. It
will allow us to bring the Caspian oil to the world market. We are
anticipating the production of large amounts of oil, and, of course,
the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is of great interest for other
companies, as well. The Kazakhstan’s joining the project is a one
more evidence of this.

You know, in the past, there were different opinions about this
project. There was some resistance, and there were forces that
did not want it to be realized. They even said this project was
economically unjustified, disadvantageous. The life shows, however,
all these allegations were not based on real facts, whereas our
thoughts, ideas and policy have become a reality. This project, and,
in general, the international projects implemented in the Azerbaijan
sector of the Caspian Sea, have already brought all this activities
to a global level. It has already broken the regional bounds, and is
now acquiring a global significance, that, in its turn, is of great
importance for Azerbaijan.

QUESTION: Mr. President, your late father, esteemed Heydar Aliyev used
to meet regularly with our ninth head of state. After your father
passed away, and the esteemed Demirel left his office, however,
our relationship seemed to become cooler, didn’t it?

ANSWER: No, not at all.

JOURNALISTS: At that time, they seemed to meet more frequently.

ILHAM ALIYEV: You know, now it’s a little difficult to compare. But
I’d like to say that the Turkey-Azerbaijan relations are developing
very rapidly, and now are on the highest level. I had numerous
meetings with esteemed President Ahmet Necdet Sezer and esteemed
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan both in Baku, Ankara and other
countries. Our ties are very strong. Besides, Turkish delegations,
ministers and parliamentarians visit Azerbaijan in a regular manner,
and likewise, the visit of Azerbaijani delegations to Turkey. It let
us say that our relations are getting stronger, and realization of
the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipelines,
and later the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway projects is possible only as
a result of our joint activities, and it is a reality.

Q: Mr. President, by the way, the Armenian lobby is doing their best
to hamper realization of the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railway
project. Do you think the Armenians will manage to achieve their
goal? The question arises because they are striving to seriously
prevent both European Union and the United States from supporting
the project.

A: They naturally will try to do so, because Armenian and the Armenian
lobby are hostile towards Azerbaijan and Turkey, and will use every
opportunity to strike us a blow. It will continue. It is a truth,
a reality. We should pursue our policy with confidence. Look, the
Armenian lobby was opposing actively the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil
pipeline. They even sent letters to the international organizations.

The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and banks funding
the projects were among those they were trying to put pressure
upon. But they failed to achieve anything, because the steadfastness
of the Azerbaijan state, the steadfastness of the Turkish state,
and active stance of Georgia prevented them from spoiling this
business. Despite all their efforts to hamper realization of the
Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, I am convinced that we will do realize this
project. Indeed, the Armenian lobby is striving for some organizations,
international structures not to support this project, but our current
situation allows us to be independent of other organizations. We have
possibilities, and we have funds. I told several time that today
Azerbaijan is prepared to fulfill its financial obligation, and we
can do that at the expense of our own funds. Therefore, this Armenian
policy will fail to succeed; Azerbaijan will become stronger, and
take stronger position in the region. Armenia is now isolated from all
the international projects, and their situation will further worsen.

Q: Mr. Aliyev, You met with President Vladimir Putin as well. Did
you share you views on Armenia with Putin?

A: You know, the international group of mediators works to settle
Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The group includes
Russia, France and the United States of America. Thus, these three
countries try to assist us in reaching any kind of agreement.

Q: The issue of referendum in Nagorno-Karabakh has emerged too. Is
it really so?

A: You know, Minsk group has recently made a statement with some
details of their proposals made public. Namely, the revealed issues
were their proposals, as we have not come to agreement. Armenia
and Azerbaijan are far away from the agreement. There are just
some proposals. They were put forward by the Minsk group. The final
statement has revealed some of them. We did not raise our objection
to it because we have never wanted the talks be held in the dark. We
have nothing to hide. Considering the other side’s suggestion, we
also agreed to hold secret negotiations. As Minsk group has decided
to go public about the details of the peace talks, thus, we have to
make some things clear too.

The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan must be restored. No
compromise is possible here. Occupation forces should leave the
lands they occupied, and Azerbaijani refugees and IDPS must return
to these territories. As to the future status of Nagorno-Karabakh,
the opinion of the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities may be
taken into consideration since both Armenians and Azerbaijanis
resided in Nagorno-Karabkh before the war. Return of Azerbaijanis
to Nagorno-Karabakh is the condition. They have to return there,
they have to be settled. Afterwards, the communities and Azerbaijan
– as Nagorno-Karabakh is the integral part of Azerbaijan – can hold
discussions on the Karabakh status in the future. We will see in the
future how much time the negotiations will require. This is the issue.

We will never allow adopting any decision that violates the territorial
integrity of Azerbaijan or provides for separation of Karabakh from
Azerbaijan in a year, decade or hundred years. We will never allow
this. Minsk group co-chairs and leadership of Armenia are aware of
this. In some cases, Armenia tries to go public about some points
that are incorrect and do not reflect the reality. Maybe, they want
the public opinion in Armenia be positively oriented. However, the
reality is that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is not the
subject of negotiations, and independent status will never be given
to Nagorno-Karabakh.

Q: Mr. President, there is an interesting issue. So-called "President"
of Nagorno-Karabakh said "we neither join Armenia nor Azerbaijan
can possess us, and we will be the independent state. What is you
opinion? How much sincere he was?

A. I do not give at all to its words any value as he heads an illegal
criminal regime – illegitimate, a self-proclaimed, criminal group not
recognized by any international organization. Therefore, I, at all,
do not wish to speak about this person, and his words have no value.

As to ways of the settlement of question in the whole, the
international community has recognized Nagorno Karabakh as an
inseparable part of Azerbaijan. The United Nations Organization, all
other organizations recognize territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
together with Nagorno Karabakh. In that case, independence cannot
be even debated. There is a certain practice, a world practice,
practice of normal residing of minority. Including in Azerbaijan. In
Azerbaijan, there are national minorities that live very easy, freely,
have all rights. In Europe, there is a form of autonomy. It functions
in the several European countries. Why there should be any other form
here?! Why the national minority living in Azerbaijan can move the
territory of the residing from Azerbaijan and create an independent
state?! We shall not allow it, and anybody, any organization and any
country never will recognize independence of Nagorno Karabakh. If
to consider, that today Azerbaijan becomes stronger as from the
political, economic, and the military point of view, here we possess
more preferable positions.

Armenia cannot compete with us, and by years our force will be even
more palpable. I regret, that time goes ahead, and our refugees and
IDPs cannot still return to the native lands. But I am convinced,
that we will solve the problem fairly and according to norms of
international law. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan will be
provided, and the sovereignty of Azerbaijan restored within the
borders of entire country.

Q. Mr. President, there is a plan for Your meeting with Robert
Kocharian. Is there probability for Your meeting with Kocharian during
the G8 Summit?

A. No, there is nothing as such. We have met several times during
some months, and those meetings did not give any result.

J. Didn’t?

A. No. As you know, the first meeting passed in France and the
Armenian president left the meeting uncompleted. Then, a meeting
took place in Romania. There, too, was gained nothing. There is no
any understanding between us, no agreement, and the reason for hat
is Armenia’s unconstructive position. Armenia’s occupant policy.

We have no territorial claim against anyone. We demand to return back
the territory that belongs to Azerbaijan. We try to do it peacefully.

We give chance to Armenia to withdraw from the occupied lands and
without any bloodshed and warfare to resolve this question. Should we
achieve this, then, the picture will change completely, be established
relations, ways open and cooperation be possible. In future, Armenia –
now isolated from all international projects – can join them. That is,
the Armenian people will also benefit this.

What is the use for Armenian people of the occupation of these lands?

Nothing. Did they begin to live better? No. Increased their reputation
over the world? On the contrary, the world recognizes then as occupant,
aggressor state, as a state that pursues the policy of ethnic cleanse
against Azerbaijanis.

Did Armenian’s positions strengthen in the world? No. By delay of
settlement of the conflict, their positions get worse and worse. And in
the future, of course, they cannot compete with Azerbaijan. Therefore,
should this question find its solution, the Armenian people will
also live better. But settlement of the question is possible only on
base of international law. There are certain principles in the world,
rules, and resolutions of international organizations.

Now, Armenia wants to annex Nagorno Karabakh. And we can want
many things. We can want to annex Azerbaijan’s historical lands,
to annex the Iravan Khanate to Azerbaijan. We can want that. But it
is not reality now. That’s why, and this question cannot be solved
on somebody’s wish. There is international law. I reiterate, now we
give chance to Armenia to settle this question peacefully. Otherwise,
we should consider and other versions.

Q. That is, You mean the warfare?

A. That is, it is not excluded. Never excluded.

If to take into account that now the ceasefire regime is very
sensible. That is, the safety measures do not enable to provide full
calm in the contact line. There are no forces of other countries
between us, no peacemaking troops. That is, any unpleasantness
is possible. How long should we bear this? How long should be
participate in negotiations? We see the Armenian side is not frank in
talks. Therefore, we must be ready for all versions. Azerbaijan’s
rising economic potential, military strength, its position in
region, our importance for region and the world, lead us to superior
positions. By years passed, this will seem more vividly. Armenia
should think and they bear responsibility for all possible dangerous

Q. That is, responsibility will rest on them?

A. Yes.

Q. Esteemed Mr. Aliyev, but they seem not as earlier?

A. Look, how unfair claims they raise against Turkey. And they raise
false, imaginary, unreal and faked accusations, and try the notorious
"genocide" to be approved in Europe. That is, it shows that they are
in a hostile position.

First, there was not any genocide. Instead, in all periods they have
killed the Turks, Azerbaijanis, and massacred them.

Secondly, let us have a look at the new history. There were countries
that battled with each other for ten times, twenty times. The European
countries. Have a look at the World War II. In this war, carried
out by Germany, the Soviet Union, England, France and America, 30
million and may be more people were killed. Wars occurred in world,
and earlier in Europe. But after 20 years, the Soviet Union and
Western Germany established relations. And today they are allies,
France and Germany play leading role in the European Union and all
see their alliance. These nations, these countries have closed the
history for future, for progress. But look at Armenia; they educate
their youth in spirit of hostility.

J. And they still live in the past?

ILHAM ALIYEV. They live in the past, and therefore cannot develop.

This is their problem. It shows that they are not going to leave this
policy. They, first, try the "genocide’ to be recognized, and what
will be further, we know. Then they will demand compensation. Then,
they will raise territorial claim against Turkey. We know that. And
therefore we must be ready. Turkey and Azerbaijan should have stronger
position. We should not defend, but on the contrary, we should attack
from the point of view of policy and propaganda. Here, in Azerbaijan
we set up the affairs in high level. It is necessary to unmask the
Armenian propaganda, and smash up their false propaganda and bring
to the notice of world community.

Q. Mr. President, You have visited America, in your meetings, what
discussions did you have related to Iran, Armenia, Turkey, the region
and Azerbaijan?

A. My visit to America was very successful. There were comprehensive
talks with to President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, and other
officials – ministers, public figures, senators, congressmen,
and the non-governmental organizations. Of course, we had, first
of all, exchange of views on bilateral relations. I can say today
the Azerbaijan-America relations are very high level. We cooperate
successfully in all fields, and my official visit once again
strengthened it. The bilateral relations will develop much more

Of course, the situation in region was also discussed. Because
we live in this region, and the ongoing processes in region have
certain influence on Azerbaijan, and the processes in Azerbaijan
impact the regional affairs. The major item is that stability was not
violated here. The peace was established, strengthened, the safety
measures reinforced and the region could normally cooperate in secure
conditions. It is because the region has great potential. Oil and
gas fields of Caspian, transport routs, new opportunities – to use
all these we need safety measures be strengthened, and Azerbaijan
plays its own role in this cause.

Q. Mr. President, there were periodically color revolutions in
region. As we follow the later processes, it appears those revolutions
have failed. Why did these color revolutions take place? And there
were also similar attempts here, but failed. Isn’t that true?

A. Those attempts here also had, to say, very pitiful impressions.

Possibly you know its reasons. It results when the people and
government have different points of view in some questions. Or,
the abyss between power and people deepens. And, of course, also the
socio-economic problems instigate the people to this. As to Azerbaijan,
here, it completely differs. Now, for economic growth, we are the
leading country in the world. Last year the economic growth made up
26 percent, while in five months of this year it was 40 percent. For
economic growth rate we are the first over the world.

The industrial production in Azerbaijan in five months has increased
approximately by 40 percent. In the last two and a half year, 400
workplaces have been opened in Azerbaijan. Number of vulnerable
downsized by 20 percent. Revenues of the population have increased
by 25 percent. That is, all these show that the country economically
strengthens, and the people live better. In addition, the people
approve our external policy. That is, there was no reason for
uprising here. True, some politicians having watched the unrests
in other countries either wanted to cerate problem, or even reach
something. But the people did not support them.