Kazimirov: Sabine Freizer Dramatizes Situation

Kazimirov: Sabine Freizer Dramatizes Situation

10.07.2006 16:02

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – "In my opinion media pay superfluous importance
to statements by official and unofficial figures on Nagorno Karabakh
let it be panic utterances by Sabine Freizer or rich speeches by
Matthew Bryza.

In this genre Eldar Namazov’s latest interview to Echo newspaper
deserves greater attention," former Russian Co-chair of the OSCE Minsk
Group for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement Vladimir Kazimirov
said in a conversation with a reporter. In his words, Ms. Freizer
deliberately dramatizes the situation and even announces of the failure
of the process. "Pretending not to see a new mediator in the process
she in actual fact bustles for EU’s interference in the matter.

Recording the history of the Karabakh talks’ since 1994 the ICG is not
well aware of it, although the OSCE has been dealing with the issue
since 1992. Over incompliance of the sides the conflict has many times
reach a deadlock but this doesn’t not mean the end of the process.

By the way, Ms. Freizer should not be afraid of contacts between the
conflicting sides without mediators. Let me remark that the mandate
of the Co-chairs encourages immediate contacts between the sides in
the Nagorno Karabakh conflict including talks on the most important
issues. It’s another matter that not all of the parties are ready
for it," the Russian diplomat said.

He underscored that statements by separate figures hardly deserve
such attention. "It’s much more important to analyze the report
submitted by the Co-chairs to the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna
June 22. Serious discussion of the current stage of the settlement
process should be launched without panic," Kazimirov said.