Categories: News

ASBAREZ Online [07-14-2006]


1) Armenian Public Support For Karabakh Compromise ‘Pointless Now’
2) Armenia Condemns Israeli Attack On Lebanon
3) Glendale’s Attarian At Y8 Youth Summit
4) Amenian Relief Society of Western USA Regional Executive’s Message On the
occassion of the 86th Regional Convention

1) Armenian Public Support For Karabakh Compromise ‘Pointless Now’

YEREVAN (RFE/RL)–The Armenian government will not to seek domestic popular
support for a compromise solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict favored by
international mediators until it is accepted by Azerbaijan, Foreign Minister
Vartan Oskanian indicated on Friday.
In their recent statements that disclosed the essence of the proposed peace
deal, the French, Russian and U.S. co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group urged the
presidents of Armenia to display the necessary "political will" and prepare
their publics for mutual painful concessions on Karabakh.
"We think the parties would be well-served at this point by allowing their
publics to engage in a robust discussion of the many viewpoints on those
issues," read their statement issued on June 22. "We are confident that
society wants renewed conflict, and we urge the leaders of Armenia and
Azerbaijan to work with their publics and to work with each other to formulate
an agreement on core principles that both find acceptable."
But according to Oskanian, initiating a public debate in Armenia will be
pointless unless Azerbaijan accepts the Minsk Group plan as a basis for
negotiations. "I am not making and will not make any attempts to convince
anyone, and especially our people, that the provisions of that document
must be
accepted, because the Azerbaijani side has yet to accept it," he told
Official Yerevan has said that it finds the framework peace accord, which
calls for a referendum of self-determination in Karabakh, largely
acceptable to
the Armenian side. The Azerbaijani leadership appears to be less supportive of
the proposed formula, with President Ilham Aliev repeatedly stating that Baku
will never agree to Karabakh’s independence or reunification with Armenia.

2) Armenia Condemns Israeli Attack On Lebanon

YEREVAN (RFE/RL)–Armenia joined Arab nations and the European Union in
condemning Israel for its military action against Lebanon that continued for a
third consecutive day on Friday, heightening tensions in the Middle East.
While denouncing the abduction of two Israeli soldiers and the killing of
eight others by the Hezbollah militia, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said
Israel should stop its air strikes against civilian targets in Lebanon.
"Armenia condemns any violence whether it be abduction or use of force," the
ministry said in a statement. "We particularly denounce the use of such
disproportionate force intended solely to collectively punish civilians and
damage infrastructure. This kind of reaction by Israel is particularly
difficult to understand given the fact that the Lebanese government has
distanced itself from the abduction incident."
"We hope that there will be restraint in the region and also hope there will
be an immediate ceasefire so that the issues can be addressed by peaceful
means," added the statement.
Israel launched a widespread bombing campaign in Lebanon and tightened an
sea and land blockade of its northern neighbor in response to Hezbollah’s
deadly cross-border attack on its troops. More than 60 civilians in Lebanon
two in Israel have been killed in the worst bout of fighting since Israel
its occupation of south Lebanon six years ago
Israeli air raids on Beirut international airport have disrupted Lebanon’s
communication with the rest of the world, leaving thousands of travelers to
from the country stranded in the region. Among them was Lebanese Foreign
Minister Fawzi Salloukh, who was returning from a visit to Armenia and – like
many – was forced to make his way home through Syria.
Salloukh’s official visit to Yerevan highlighted warm relations existing
between Armenia and Lebanon and other Arab states that have large and affluent
Armenian communities. Armenians have for decades been represented in the
Lebanese government and parliament. The country’s President Emile Lahoud is
half Armenian.
Israel’s "disproportionate use of force" was criticized on Friday by Foreign
Minister Erkki Tuomioja of Finland, which now holds the European Union’s
rotating presidency. French President Jacques Chirac likewise said the Israeli
military campaign is "completely disproportionate," while blasting Hezbollah
for its "irresponsible" stance.
Israel’s actions, however, were effectively justified by U.S. President
W. Bush who said the Jewish state "has the right to defend herself."

3) Glendale’s Attarian At Y8 Youth Summit

ST. PETERSBURG–Glendale resident and Glendale High School student Shant
Attarian, 15, is part of a team of students reprenting the US at the "Y8"
summit, which convened in the St. Petersburg suburb of Poushkin.
Participants of the "Y8" summit represent 13 to 17-year old students from the
Group of 8 countries, whose leaders will convene the G8 this weekend.

4) Amenian Relief Society of Western USA Regional Executive’s Message On the
occassion of the 86th Regional Convention

It Was the Best of Times; It Was the Worst of Times

As we look back on this year and think of all the events, personalities,
officials, projects, meetings meetings and more meetings. It seems that this
quote from Charles Dickens is very appropriate. The Armenian Relief Society of
Western USA, Regional Executive Board, kept up the momentum created last year
and grew exponentially in many directions. Delegates from our entire region
meeting in the Whittier Radisson Hotel for the 86th Regional Convention. They
brought with them the resolutions and projects from their respective chapters
and have listened to the prepared reports and a retrospective look at the
The Region has been productive. Our website is filled with the events and
personalities of our Region and we have now started including the history of
ARS and our region. Check it out at HYPERLINK ";
www.arswestu sa.org and enjoy it with us. Our ARS Voice program is a reality
as we look back on our first year of programming, we are filled with wonder
that with volunteer hours we have been able to enlarge our website and begin a
TV program; both vital tools for communicating in this age of technology.
A few days ago, I was reminded that the biggest breakthrough in communication
was Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press in 1453; which took the
manually written Bible from the hands of the educated elite few; to the
Television in the Twentieth Century broadened communication; but the age of
the Internet has opened a floodgate of information and communication to every
corner of the world.
It is a major credit to the ARS of Western USA that we are linked to the
and we are very proud of it.
This was also a year of challenges, our Social Services battled with grant
renewals and cutbacks in staff. The region grappled with ways to encourage
membership so that all the generations who join our treasured organization
welcome and important. Our desire to expand services to reach out to more of
our communities’ concerns was hampered by difficulties raising money for local
Just when our challenges would feel too difficult, we would be reminded that
the challenges of today are miniscule compared to the challenges of our
heroines in the deserts of Der Zor who continued to teach the Armenian letters
in the sand while they felt hopeless and violated. Or those members in our 96-
year history who awe us with their sacrifices and dedication; walking, not
driving, cooking not hiring cooks, writing not using computers; but always
focusing on the goals and values of our people, our Armenian Relief
Society, as
Khatchouhies or Homouhis and always Ungerouhis.
Our challenges include changing attitudes and perceptions in our membership
that new ways of doing things is not a reason to forget the traditional ways,
but must be used as an avenue to bring in new ideas, new members and new
As an organization, When we are faced with troubles we wonder why do we have
to go through this? We are trying to do good, we are giving with a true heart,
and we are appealing for a good cause. Why does God allow these difficulties?
We are then reminded of Malachi 3:3 which says: "And He shall sit as a
and purifier of silver"… which speaks of the character of God through the
process of refining silver. For those who know the process the silversmith
places the silver over the fire and lets it heat up. He needs to hold the
silver in the middle of the fire where the flames are the hottest to burn away
all the impurities and strengthen the metal. He needs to keep close attention
the whole time the silver is in the fire. If the silver is left a moment too
long in the flames, it will be destroyed. When the silver shines so that the
silversmith can see his image, the silver is ready.
So, we can be reminded that when we feel the heat of the fire on ourselves or
on our organization we need to remember that God has His eye on us and will
keep watching us until He sees His image in us. We need to know He is watching
over us so whatever we are going through we will be purified and strengthened
by the challenges.
And challenges we have… Our delegates are faced with getting ready for the
following year. They will face the challenge of our social and counseling
services, of the needs of our orphans and kindergartens, the needs of bright
young Saturday School students, women and children who are abused, and
graduates who need scholarships for higher learning. They strive as
members, to
work to spread our message of service, to encourage others to join hands with
us, to donate to our projects, because they know that we still have projects
here and in our homeland needing funding.
This is an age of the insidious genocide of our people through apathy,
intolerance and indifference to our culture and our brethren in need; busy
lives filled with selfish concerns and worshiping of money and status.
Our delegates are different. They introduce and mentor new members, to help
and serve one another on a continuous basis, they work to strengthen this
important sisterhood, they are generous and help fund our projects so that we
may be free to serve our communities large and small, locally and in the
homeland. And they are striving to do it all with the most professional and
excellent means available. Members of the Armenian Relief Society of Western
USA know that they can make a difference; and they do.
Join us in service and encourage the next generation by your giving
to the work of the previous generation. Join us and be blessed with the
uniqueness of the ARS bonds of sisterhood. Join the Armenian Relief Society
make a difference in your life and the lives of others.

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Karakhanian Suren:
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