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Day of French Films to be Held within Golden Apricot Festival

Day of French Films to be Held within Golden Apricot Festival

14.07.2006 13:51 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Day of French Films will be held at Golden
Apricot festival July 14, on the Bastille Day. The program includes
French films "Swindlers" by Frederik Baleghjian, "Crystal Man" by
Michel Isnasco and "Return" by Serge Avedikian. Presented in Fiction
Film nomination, "Return to Armenia" shot by French director Rober
Gedikian will be shown for the first time.

A concert of French song will also take place in the Charles Aznavour
Square on occasion of the French national holiday, reported the
festival’s communication unit.

Tambiyan Samvel:
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