Los Angeles Times Calls on Senate to Block Hoagland Nomination

Los Angeles Times calls on Senate to block Hoagland nomination

17.07.2006 11:25

A policy editorial published by the Los Angeles Times on the 16th of
July, marks a major and very public setback for the US Department of
State’s increasingly untenable policy of complicity in Turkey’s denial
of the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee
of America (ANCA).

The editorial sharply criticizes the Bush Administration’s decision
to fire the US Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, for truthfully
discussing the Armenian Genocide.

Noting that half of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has already
raised concerns about this matter, the editorial board calls on the
panel to block the nomination of the Ambassador- designate, Richard
Hoagland, until he properly recognizes the Armenian Genocide. They
closed their powerfully worded piece by stressing that, "the Bush
administration should have the courage of its lack of conviction
and explain forthrightly not just to Armenian Americans but to all
Americans who believe in calling evil by its proper name why US policy
is being dictated by Ankara nationalists."