Nagorny Karabakh Woos Tourists

Caucasus Reporting Service
Nagorny Karabakh Woos Tourists

The Karabakh Armenians aim to overcome security fears by trumpeting the
region’s ancient monasteries and beautiful scenery.

By Ashot Beglarian in Stepanakert (CRS No. 349, 20-July-06)

Twelve years after war ended in Nagorny Karabakh, the unrecognised
republic is seeking to attract greater numbers of tourists to enjoy
its unspoilt scenery and medieval churches.

Large sums have been invested in the tourism sector, especially by
businessmen from the Armenian diaspora. The Swiss firm Sirkap Armenia
has built several hotels at a cost of more than 1.5 million US dollars.

There’s been a big increase in the number of hotels, as memories of
war recede. There are now more than 20 in Nagorny Karabakh, half of
them in the capital Stepanakert. Two new ones, with about 100 rooms
between them, are being built in the town’s central square.

The old capital of Shushi (known by the Azerbaijanis as Shusha), which
was heavily destroyed in the war in 1992, is also being re-developed. A
Soviet-era 11-storey hotel is being rebuilt and is expected to open
its doors again within the next two years. In addition, there are
plans to reopen the sanatoria that attracted thousands of summer
visitors in former times.

Karabakh’s foreign ministry says that the number of tourists is
increasing by 30-40 per cent every year and that last year there were
5,000 from more than 60 countries. The majority – around 70 per cent –
were ethnic Armenians from around the world.

For many people, Karabakh is still a war-zone and most western
governments advise their citizens against travelling there on grounds
of safety. It is still part of the internationally recognised territory
of Azerbaijan.

This is enough to deter curious visitors. Nic Keulemans, a tourist
from Belgium, said he was overwhelmed by the scenery in Karabakh,
although he was still a little worried about the problem of mines.

"The monasteries are also interesting," he said. "I visited Gandzasar
and the church in Shushi. On the whole my impressions were good. I
didn’t like the fact that because of the war there was limited access
to certain territories. I think mines and unexploded ordnance still
present a certain danger. They can be on fields, hills and remote
mountain paths. And that gets in the way of organising a real holiday."

Sergei Shakhverdian, head of both the Aspar tourist firm and the
recently created Agency for Tourism Development, sees one of his
roles as reassuring foreign visitors.

"The main thing is to convince people that it is safe in Karabakh
and that is what we are consistently doing," he said.

Karabakhis point out that their home region is packed with attractions
that are all the more attractive for being virtually unknown to the
outside world. They include 1,700 architectural monuments, including
600 monasteries and 500 churches, ruined palaces, castles and forts.

Shakhverdian said that the mass of medieval religious sites also made
Karabakh a very special place for Christian pilgrims. He pointed out
that the region contains the grave of the early Christian saint Elisei;
that the 13th century Gandzasar monastery claims to have the head of
John the Baptist; and the ancient Amaras monastery has the mausoleum
of St Grigoris.

The tourism industry is still very much in its infancy in Karabakh. The
government budget allocated for the sector for this year is just
4,000 dollars.

Although the scenery is a major attraction, visitors say that there
is very little infrastructure for staying outside the main two towns,
as there are no campsites and no car rental available. The tourist
agents say they dream of developing Karabakh as a ski resort, but
that would need huge amounts of investment.

The ministry of territorial management has begun a partnership with
the tourist development agency of Armenia, which provides the only
route into Karabakh for visitors – a road from Yerevan to Stepanakert,
which is 360 kilometres long.

The minister, Armo Tsaturian said, "The development of tourism in
Nagorny Karabakh would receive a significant boost if there was
an air-link."

In order to attract new visitors, the Karabakh government is publishing
a new guidebook. It is also promoting Karabakh at tourist exhibitions.

In May, the government here rented a pavilion at the big tourist
exhibition in Moscow, where they handed out promotional material and
offered visitors Karabakh wine to taste.

The opening of the display turned into an angry confrontation,
when a group of Azerbaijani students sitting in the hall protested
loudly. But Shakhverdian denied reports that the pavilion had closed
after the protests.

"Information that the Nagorny Karabakh display in Moscow had
been shut down came from the Azerbaijani embassy in Russia," said
Shakhverdian. "Right from the start of the exhibition, the embassy of
Azerbaijan reacted very strongly to our presence and tried to persuade
the organisers to close the display, but when they understood that it
wouldn’t work they demanded that at the very least the name of our
display was changed from the Nagorny Karabakh Republic to Nagorny

"However, to its credit, the Moscow government did not give in
to blackmail and the exhibition passed off normally, according to
our plans."

Shakhverdian said that the furore surrounding the event had actually
attracted more visitors to the Nagorny Karabakh pavilion, curious to
know what had caused all the fuss. He hoped some of those visitors
would make their way to Karabakh itself.

IWPR’s Baku office contacted Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry spokesman,
Tahir Tagizade, for an official reaction to the campaign to attract
tourists to Karabakh.

Tagizade said that Azerbaijan was "not in principle against advertising
the tourist attractions of Nagorny Karabakh because Nagorny Karabakh is
part of Azerbaijan and soon after the restoration of the jurisdiction
of Azerbaijan this advertising will be beneficial to the region".

However, Tagizade warned foreigners visiting Nagorny Karabakh without
official permission from Baku that they risked being barred from

Ashot Beglarian is a freelance journalist based in
Stepanakert. Azerbaijan editor Shahin Rzayev in Baku contributed to
this report.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS