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Film on Cilicia Sail Vessel Voyage to Be Screened in Moscow

Film on Cilicia Sail Vessel Voyage to Be Screened in Moscow

25.07.2006 16:17 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ August 1, 2006 Voyage in Seven Seas film will
be presented at Rolan Moscow cinema within the Year of Armenia
in Russia. The picture is dedicated to the navigation of Cilicia
famous sailing vessel around Europe. According to the Yerkramas,
the newspaper of Armenians of Russia, Cilicia was built by a group
of enthusiasts of Ayas Yerevan Club of Sea Research on the basis of
ancient manuscripts and miniatures, using medieval technologies. It
copies Armenian Cilician trade ships of the 13th century. Clothes,
food, navigation tools and equipment aboard were similar to those of
ancient Armenian merchants. The other day Cilicia arrived from UK
and moored in Saint Petersburg, from where it will head for Moscow
via Russian channels.

Jilavian Emma:
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