Procecutor’s Office To Perform Not a Preliminary Investigation…


YEREVAN, JULY 26, NOYAN TAPAN. According to the legislative amendments’
concept in the RA Legal field, the investigation body will be taken
out from the prosecutor’s office’s system. Davit Haroutiunian, RA
minister of justice, informed about this on July 25. In his words,
the police and other bodies implementing pre-judicial enquiry will
implement the investigation.

The prosecutor’s office will perform control over the legality of
investigation and preliminary investigation. The investigation will
start after receiving information about the crime, from which also
the control of the prosecutor’s office starts. In case of lack of
the corpus delicti, police can stop the investigation independently.

The prosecutor’s office is competent to give assignments to the body
implementing pre-judicial enquiry, to stop the criminal pursuit,
to take part in any investigation action. The prosecutor’s office
is also competent to liquidate illegal actions, but cannot be an
obstacle for the implementation of powers of the body implementing
pre-judicial enquiry. From the beginning of the criminal enquiry until
the presenting the accusation, whole function will be implemented by
the same prosecutor.

In the justice minister’s words, so an attempt is made to disconnect
the powers of the prosecutor’s office and the pre-investigation body,
keeping the self-dependence of each of them.

Answering the Noyan Tapan correspondent, D.Haroutiunian mentioned that
according to the new concept, the prosecutor’s office is not obliged
to institute an action on the basis of the mass media’s publication,
though it has that competence.