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In the Parliament

In the Parliament

National Assembly of RA, Armenia
July 27, 2006

On July 25 the representatives arrived from different regions who
were in Yerevan within the framework of young people’s civil education
program visited the National Assembly.

Hranush Hakobyan, the Chairwoman of the NA Standing Committee on
Science, Education, Culture and Youth,familirized young people with
the parliamentarism and the history of the Armenian parliament. The
procedure of the legislative body formation, the main functions and
activity were presented to the participants. Mrs. Hakobyan detailed
legislative initiative-lawsystem, noting, that first initiation
deliberated in the Committees before becoming law, gets relevant
conclusion, and only after that it is presented to the ratification
of the Parliament. The head of the Committee answered the questions,
which related to twelve-year education, preservation of national
culture, problems of science development.

The activity of the sub-divisions of the NA staff was presented to
the young people, visited the Parliament. Maro Asatryan, the head of
Information Department, accompanied the guests to the sitting hall,
where they got familiar with the work of the electronic system of
the hall, walked through the parliament visiting official and working
meting halls.

"The draft laws, submitted to the NA , undergo an examination ",
– informed Ashot Khachatryan, the head of Legislative Analysis and
Development Department. He also noted that his department provide
MP’s with professional advice, implement research and analytic works.

Anahit Adamyan, the head of Public Relations Department, presented
functions of the department, the content of its work, kinds of its
organization and answered the questions.

" All the materials of information character prepared by the department
of public relations, and also all materials concerning structural
divisions of the staff, texts of laws in function are placed on the
website of electronic page ", – says Tatul Soghomonyan, the head of
Secretariat. According to him the functions of Secretariat are various:
applications and letters from citizens are registered, then handed to
the NA governing bodies or the MP’s direct through Secretariat. Lusine
Hovhannisyan informed details about the work of the website.

Hovhannes Zargaryan , Deputy head of the staff, summing up the day
passed in the Parliament,

expressed gratitude to young people for active participation and
wished them good luck.

He noted, that as a result of the programs which were carried out
by USAID and other international organizations during last yearsthe
NAreceived both technical and consulting assistance which promoted
increase of the effectivness of works. Mr. Zargaryan noted, that the
doors of the National Assembly are open before youth, and they always
can address questions interested them to the staff. They can also
get information about activity of the Parliamentthrough Internet site
adding their fund of knowledge. He expressed hope, that the day which
had been passed in the National Assembly, will have its continuation
and become the basis for deeper knowledge of functions of system of
the state management.

Vasilian Manouk:
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