Parouyr Hayrikian Expects to Get 15-30% of Votes in Case Next Electi


AZG Armenian Daily #143, 01/08/2006

Home Politics

"If a miracle happens and Moscow reveals the secret
network of its agents in Armenia, and we have the
opportunity to hold fair elections in Armenia, our
party will get 15-30% of the votes," Parouyr
Hayrikian, Chairman of "National Self-Determination
Union" party, said at the recent press conference at
"Pakagits" club.

But, in fact, he doesn’t believe fair elections may be
held and counts on the unification of his allies. He
said this union would help hold election that will get
rid of the criminal elements that exist in our state
system. Hayrikian also pointed out the prosecution
cases carried out against his party members,
particularly, when some forces tried to deprive his
party of his party office in Ghapan.

Besides, Hayrikian stated that the state structures do
not pay proper attention to the arrangements dedicated
to the celebration of 15th anniversary of the
Independence. As for the necessity to compose a new
hymn of Armenia, he said that he has submitted three
versions of the hymn that he composed himself.

When commenting on the Nagorno Karabakh issue,
Hayrikian stated that only powerful Armenia can assist
Artsakh and none should sell the self-determination of

Hayrikian also touched upon an article issued in
"Zhamanak" newspaper, according to which Hayrkian
managed to construct luxury buildings in Davitashen
thanks to $4 billion robbed in the course of the
Karabakh war. He cited the letter the sent to the
newspaper in response to the article and demanded that
the newspaper should openly apologize to him. "We can
meet scoundrels everywhere, but one should be a
scoundrel himself to let them work in a newspaper,"
Hayrikian said.

By Gohar Gevorgian