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BAKU: Does Armenia Want To Be Friends With Turkey?


Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
Democratic Azerbaijan
Aug. 9, 2006

Armenia is trying to be close with Turkey. Regnum News-Agency referring
to the document entitled Armenian commitments within the framework
of the Individual Partnership with NATO, placed in web-site of the
Ministry of Defence of Armenia informed. The document says that the
main purpose of Armenian foreign policy is a full-fledged integration
to European structures, and also aiming at being close with NATO,
it intends to activate practical and political cooperation with the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The document highlights that allegedly "in the point of relations with
neighbors Armenia desires stability and security in the region as well
as a constructive development and improving of these relations. Armenia
makes efforts aiming at peace regulation of the Nagorno-Garabagh
conflict and will assist the OSCE Minsk Group."

It is noteworthy that "Armenia provided to be aimed at regulating
of relations with Turkey and will be consistent with regulation of
a constructive dialogue with Turkey, including relations with Turkey
for these purposes." The document affirms so.

It is appropriate mention that Armenia is a military-strategic partner
of Russia, a member of the Organization of Treaty for Collective
Security, and also a military bastion of Russia in the South
Caucasus. Because making a curtsey towards the European structures,
particularly NATO, can mean the policy of double standards. While
NATO-Russian relationship develops not simple and Russia has been
always against NATO enlargement to the East, Armenian foreign policy
looks hypocritical and double-faced. The statement that Armenia
will assist the OSCE Minsk Group causes distrust, as its destructive
position and desire to keep status quo is also available.

Armenian’ desire "to be consistent with regulation of a constructive
dialogue with Turkey" within the context of the demands of recognition
of "Armenian genocide", and consequently, demands of compensation
from Turkey, are beneath criticism, in general.


Karakhanian Suren:
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