Summer Film Academy Festival Features Indian Films


PAP Polish Press Agency
PAP News Wire
August 8, 2006 Tuesday

Over 200 films grouped in 11 theme sets are in the programme of the
Summer Film Academy LAF festival underway in Zwierzyniec, Lublin
province. The event which opened last weekend to run till mid-August
features 11 films by Indian director Satyajit Ray.

"The first in Poland review of pictures by the Indian filmmaker is
expected as a special event. This will be an opportunity to have a look
at the Indian cinema, especially its still little known non-Bollywood
current," LAF organiser Arnold Dec says.

Ray’s films reflect changes in customs and conflicts that take place
after Indian tradition merge with contemporary civilisation.

The cycle "Sacrum et Profanum" features films pertaining to the
problems of faith and spirituality, including classics, like Polish
Jerzy Kawalerowicz’s Cannes awarded "Mother Joan of the Angels"
and Ingmar Bergman’s "Seventh Seal".

Armenian director Sergei Paradhanov will have a retrospective of
films penetrating cultural archetypes and national traditions,
folklore and art of the peoples of Armenia, Ukraine and Georgia.

Dutch cinema will be represented by films by Jos Stelling who is to
come to meet the audience at Zwierzyniec. Also Czech and Hungarian
films are in the programme of the festival which will run till
August 15.