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BAKU: Speech By I. Aliyev At Second Meeting Of The Heads Of Diplomat


AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Aug. 14, 2006

– Ladies and Gentlemen

Ambassadors, Foreign Ministry officers!

Today’s meeting has already become traditional. The first meeting with
ambassadors representing Azerbaijan in foreign countries was held two
years ago. At today’s meeting, we are going, of course, to analyze
the work that has been done for the past two years. At the same time,
there is no doubt; we will share our views on the future plans.

The other government officials will participate in the meeting
too, and, during a couple of days, ambassadors will be given full
information about the ongoing processes in Azerbaijan. Of course,
the activity of each ministry must be interesting to ambassadors
representing Azerbaijan abroad. You are aware of the ongoing processes
and work in Azerbaijan. However, at the same time, broader discussion
of these issues will be interesting for us, and contribute to our
overall work.

Azerbaijan’s foreign policy has been successfully continued for the
past two years. Azerbaijan resolutely defends its positions both
in the bilateral format and, at the same time, in the international
organizations. I can say, Azerbaijan’s positions across the region
and world have been dramatically strengthened for over two years. Our
bilateral relations with all countries are positive and built on
mutual respect, and Azerbaijani President’s foreign trips are the
indication of this.

I can say that President of Azerbaijan has visited all five permanent
member countries of the United Nations Security Council for the past
two years and half. It is a very good factor. Azerbaijan is not
a big country in terms of population and territory. On one hand,
our very fruitful relations with world’s leading nations indicate
to Azerbaijan’s importance and, on the other hand, result from
Azerbaijan’s deliberate foreign policy principles. I want reiterate
that our relations with all countries are fruitful, and we are
committed to this principle.

Azerbaijan’s relationship with neighboring countries has strengthened
over the last two years.

We live in this region and, of course, processes taking place in the
region have some impact on Azerbaijan too.

Works being done in Azerbaijan as well as its position have now very
important impact on the processes taking place in the region.

Strengthening and keeping good relations with neighboring countries
also strengthens our position and increases Azerbaijan’s role in
the region.

I want to say once again that these relations have been built on
positive grounds and meet our national interests.

Relations with neighboring countries should further be priority for
us, and political, economic and cultural ties should be strengthened.

Taking into consideration that we have very close economic relations
with our neighboring countries, we can see that it is very important
and necessary for Azerbaijan to have these relations on the high level.

We are successfully continuing our cooperation with international
organizations. Azerbaijan is an active member of a number of
international organizations. The Minister has already noted that our
relations with various international organizations are strengthening.

Recently Azerbaijan hosted two imprtant internationla events –
meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization member states and
meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Conference.

Both meetings were well organized and, surely, Azerbaijan, if one
can say, made some presentations about itself, as we are young and
independent nation.

We should show ourselves. Of course, the world is learning more and
more about Azerbaijan. And you too know that this is not enough yet.

Therefore, holding international events in Azerbaijan has two goals.

On the on hand, the fact that event is being hold in Azerbaijan,
of course, is an indication of increasing role of Azerbaijan. On the
other hand, it allows foreign representatives to see with their own
eyes the realities of Azerbaijan.

We have good relations with other international organization as well.

Our cooperation with European Union and NATO continuous and will be
continuing under the programs. We are cooperating with NATO under
the Individual Partnership Action Plan. We have already set aspects
of Neighborhood Policy with European Union, and we will continue to
work in this direction.

At the same time, we expect enhanced cooperation with European Union
in the field of energy.

We have already had talks on this. Azerbaijan becomes very important
country for Europe.

Because our geographical situation, and at the same time our natural
resources, as well as the fact that recently the energy security
in the world have become a question of vital importance, surely,
are the testimony to the importance of Azerbaijan.

Cooperation with other international organizations also is positive.

Azerbaijan very effectively interacts, cooperates with the CIS, GUAM,
the Council of Europe and other organizations. We have voluntary
entered all institutes, and our activity, certainly, serves in the
said organizations to protection of national interests of Azerbaijan.

At the same time, our membership in these organizations, certainly,
renders positive influence on processes going Azerbaijan.

For example, our activity in the Council of Europe, on the one
hand, protects interests of Azerbaijan, and on the other, serves
acceleration of democratic processes in Azerbaijan. In a word, the
foreign policy of Azerbaijan both in bilateral format and in the frame
of the international organizations is very successful and over-thought
policy. We have a strategic line, and we are true to the said line.

The work conducted last years shows, that positions of Azerbaijan
in the world gets stronger and stronger. Nevertheless, our diplomacy
should be very flexible. We should react to the processes occurring in
region and the world very operatively. At the same time, to make our
offers. Azerbaijan is already active participant of processes going
in the world. In many cases, it was the initiator of the important
measures for region and the Europe. In region, already much depends
on the position of Azerbaijan. Without participation of Azerbaijan, in
region any project – neither political, economic, nor transport and any
another cannot be carried out. The given factor strengthens our country

On the one hand, positive processes going inside of Azerbaijan,
economic growth, the solution of social problems, the program
of socio-economic development of regions – all this strengthens
economy of Azerbaijan owing to which the industry of the country
grows unprecedented in the world. On the said parameter, Azerbaijan
is today is the leading state in the world. On the other hand, our
position abroad, our activity on the international organizations, in
bilateral format, certainly, strengthens our country, protects it form
certain risks. It is very important. As we observe all of processes
going the world. Both in region and in other places of planet there
are very negative events. There are the processes influencing safety
of people. We have nothing such in Azerbaijan. We should protect
our country.

Our foreign policy should pursue and pursues just this purpose.

Reduction in the maximal degree of possible risks in Azerbaijan is
one of our main tasks in the field of foreign policy. As you can see,
in Azerbaijan, both internal conditions and political situation are
very stable, besides, the social status improves, and possible risks
are in Azerbaijan on a minimum level. It is very important point.

Certainly, the people representing Azerbaijan abroad should know
and not forget about it in their activity. Our purpose consists in
comprehensively to develop the country, to make Azerbaijan a rich
state. Processes going inside of the country, all our economic programs
will shortly make it a reality. During last two years, in Azerbaijan,
intensively there is an economic growth, opening of new workplaces. For
last two years, in Azerbaijan, it has been opened 435 thousand new
workplaces. In what country comparable on scales with Azerbaijan,
can we see it? It is not present in one country.

Therefore, with growth of our economic potential, also is enriched
the country.

In parallel, the successful foreign policy and its coordination with
internal policy, certainly, will promote an all-round development of
our country, will transform it into the powerful regional state.

Thus, Azerbaijan will develop more intensively. Therefore, all these
questions are very connected with each other. I once again would
like to tell, that carrying out of present meeting pursues the given
purpose. The diplomats, representing Azerbaijan abroad should know
about internal conditions from the primary source, from the first
hands. From this point of view, value of present meeting, certainly,
is very great.

I would reiterate that as a whole, our foreign policy is very
successful. Both our partners and we know this. Sometimes they ask:
"How it turns out, what Azerbaijan has established relations with
all countries at the highest level, but, thus, does not admit any
concessions? Usually, I repeat again, the small countries, having
gone on concession in something, receive any privileges or try to
have any special relations. The position of Azerbaijan always was
unequivocal. What concerns our national interests, we shall not
admit concessions to anybody. National interests of Azerbaijan is a
vital question. However, our experience, our policy testify, that
simultaneously with high-grade protection of national interests,
also is possible establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation
with all countries. We see it on example of Azerbaijan.

I have said sometimes, and I wish to tell once again: we do not allow
and we shall not allow that Azerbaijan became arena for competition.

It is already a reality which all have reconciled to. On the
contrary, Azerbaijan is an arena of cooperation. Our opportunities,
our potential, our openness to the world, certainly, create new
opportunities and for our partners. We should use it effectively. We
should involve in larger form and we involve foreign investments
into Azerbaijan. On volume of foreign investments per capita,
Azerbaijan is the first state in region. It means that in Azerbaijan,
there is a favorable investment environment. The legislation allows
that investors confidently came to work to Azerbaijan. On the other
hand, it is one of the factors developing economy of Azerbaijan. In
particular, in the first years of our independence. It is important
and today in spite of the fact that now grow our own opportunities,
which serve all-round development of Azerbaijan.

In a word, I do not see in the further any serious problem or threat
for Azerbaijan. Processes occurring in the world vary, the world
changes, and nobody can consider himself protected. Nevertheless,
if to take the present day, we see, that in front of Azerbaijan there
are remarkable prospects, which are necessary to effectively use.

We have unique chance, and we should take advantage of it as much
as possible. Delivery in operation of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
oil pipeline, realization of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas main,
and then – other important projects, including construction of the
Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway, certainly, define strategy of long-term
development of Azerbaijan. These are factors, which will strengthen
economic potential of Azerbaijan during many years, decades. We
effectively use these remarkable opportunities. On the one hand,
Azerbaijan is the country economically providing itself. As you know,
Azerbaijan in the past, too, received less foreign assistance than
its neighbors and other CIS countries. Despite of it, despite of all
these difficulties, we managed to achieve development of our country.

Today, our country leads from the point of view of economic
development. As you know, questions of power safety are in the
foreground today. Azerbaijan also in this sense feels quite easy.

Other processes occurring in the country, political conditions
are very stable. Attitudes between authority and people are at
the highest level that gives to us additional opportunities and
additional force. For this reason, Azerbaijan today is the country,
able to carry out independent policy. I would note once again, that
independence is defined not only by the state attributes.

Independence means that the country can carry out independent policy
and completely protect interests of people and strengthen the positions
in the world. It is just independence.

Azerbaijan today is the country, which was carrying out independent
policy, and it is the biggest property, the huge blessing for us.

That is and in this area, we see positive opportunities which are
necessary for using effectively, as the growing value, economic
potential, successful foreign policy of Azerbaijan, our strategic
partnership with the large states – all this opens for our country
remarkable prospects. We effectively use them, and we shall use. The
huge role in this area belongs also to embassy, as to bring up to the
world community of the truth about Azerbaijan is extremely important.

I reiterate: the world community has no enough wide, real information
on us. That has certain, objective reasons. In fact, we are young

On the other hand, there are strong organizations of the Armenian
lobby operating against Azerbaijan. In the daily activity, they
conduct campaign of lie and slander against Azerbaijan. It is, too,
a reality. Therefore, it is necessary for our representations to show
maximum activity in the given question. They should support contacts
to various structures of the countries in which they work. And not
only with the state structures, but also members of parliament,
the non-governmental organizations, press, wide community to bring
the truth on Azerbaijan to them. It will even more strengthen our
positions. Last time, I have given certain recommendations on the given
question. In some countries, these recommendations are executed. There
are such countries, – I do not wish to note namely – where passivity is
shown. I demand, that all embassies applied this practice in the daily
activity and showed activity. Our embassies are organized already in 46
countries. In some countries, we have no embassies yet, but they will
be created. For last two years, the embassies have been opened in 21
countries. Why do we do it? Though it demands huge financial means,
we do it as we want that the world new Azerbaijan. That Azerbaijan
could strengthen its positions in the various countries. That raised
our opportunities, grew that the role of Azerbaijan in processes
occurring in the world. In this direction, we have to do a lot.

I have noted, that the Armenian lobby conducts very active campaign
against us, we feel it, we see. In some cases, the Armenian lobby
stands up for hostile articles published against Azerbaijan in
various foreign press organs. We know it, should struggle and to be
more active. Our policy in this direction should become stronger. I
repeatedly spoke and I reiterate that we should pass to information
attack. We should expose the aggressive policy. Armenia has grasped
the Azerbaijani lands, as a result of aggressive policy of Armenia,
policy of ethnic cleaning more than 1 million of our compatriots
became refugees and IDPs. But propagation carried out by the Armenian
lobby has created absolutely other picture in some countries. It is
at extreme limitation of diplomatic opportunities of Armenia, as a
country. Besides, the country on the economic potential, certainly,
strongly lags behind us and has no opportunity to open embassy in
numerous countries. However, the Armenian lobby is, some kind of their
embassies pursuing one purpose. This purpose is Azerbaijan. We should
carry out and we carry out in this direction very serious work.

As to the question of settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict,
as you know, negotiations go in the frame of the Prague process. The
position of Azerbaijan remains constant. We consider that the given
question, this conflict can find its solution only stage-by-stage by,
and the Prague process, in fact, means the stage-by-stage settlement
of the question. The Azerbaijani lands should be released from
occupational forces. Refugees, IDPs should return to the homelands,
including in Nagorno Karabakh. Only after that, discussion of the
question of status of Nagorno Karabakh is possible. In discussion
of the status, certainly, should find the application of principles
of international law and positive practice existing in the world,
experience. We know that in the various countries, there live national
minorities, and there are autonomies. To be a national minority does
not mean, that it is possible to separate a part of the country and
create any independent state. Azerbaijan never will allow that in
its territory the second Armenian state has been created. It is our
unequivocal position, I think, that you, too, share this.

During negotiations, the Armenian party puts forward various
conjectures, any versions of provocative character. Probably, this
is their wish, but they do not reflect reality. A reality absolutely
is other. We base on principles of the international law. Norms of
international law demand restoration of territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan. Nagorno Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan –
both form the historical, cultural, and the legal point of view.

Azerbaijan became a member of the United Nations Organization
together with Nagorno Karabakh. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
is recognized by all countries, including co-chairmen of the Minsk
Group. In that case, how can Nagorno Karabakh be separated from
Azerbaijan? We never shall agree with it.

Position of Azerbaijan every day becomes stronger. I repeat that
from the legal point of view, our position is firm. The position
of Armenia is weakest. That is, they say, that Armenians of Nagorno
Karabakh should gain independence. But Armenians live also in other
countries. I always spoke, really they should gain independence
also in other countries?! Should they create the Armenian state in
America, in Los Angeles? Or, in France, Marseilles, and in Krasnodar
territory or in Georgia? If they approach with such logic, that,
how many Armenian states should be created in the world? It is
impossible. Why Azerbaijan should become exception? Why the second
Armenian state should be created in territory of Azerbaijan? Where
is the logic here? I do not touch other questions. I once again I
declare, that we shall never admit it. The point is on mere logic.

Therefore, their judicial position is the weakest.

Let us address the history. From historical point of view, Karabakh
always was the Azerbaijani land, our lands. You, probably, well
know and that Iravan has been given to Armenia during formation of
the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Azerbaijanis made the majority
of population of the Iravan khanate. In the Zangazur region, there
lived only Azerbaijanis. Therefore, from the historical point of view,
it is, too, our land.

Let us look from the economic point of view. Today, it is impossible
to compare Azerbaijan and Armenia. Our economy now surpasses economy
of Armenia in five-six times. Considering that our basic projects are
in an initial stage, let us look a little forward. We shall look, what
will be in three years, in five years. Whether Armenia can compete
to Azerbaijan? I think, not. The earlier they will understand the
better will be for them. If they will disagree with present offers
of Azerbaijan, its subsequent offers will be even stricter.

They should not forget it. Therefore, in all directions, advantage
is on our side.

I repeat that from the point of view of political processes, Azerbaijan
is a country able to carry out independent policy, and such policy
is being pursued. Simultaneously, it could establish very kind,
business relations with the leading countries of the world.

These relations are established on the basis of principle of equality,
mutual respect, non-interference to internal affairs. In Armenia, the
political picture is absolutely other. By time, Armenia as if turns to
a tow, the spare part of other countries. It is a reality. Probably,
to speak about this in such open form is a little bit bad but if to
be frank, it is a reality and the fact.

Armenia, which is grasped the Azerbaijani lands and constantly
being in condition of concern, really, somewhere searches for itself
for refuges, the patron. In that case, the hope for carrying out of
independent policy disappears. And if to consider, that from the point
of view of economy, the geographical position represented for the
world, value of Armenia cannot be compared to Azerbaijan, certainly,
because of unsolved conflict its future is represented complicated.

As you know, last years, big attention is paid to army construction.

It is natural. First, it is because the general budget of Azerbaijan
has increased. For last three years, the budget of Azerbaijan has
increased twice, it will become more, in following year, and its
increase is planned. At the same time, undoubtedly, with growth of all
other charges, military charges increase also. It is one side of the
question. That is, there is nothing unusual. In some cases in separate
circles say that growth of military charges in Azerbaijan can create
threat in region. If we increased exclusively military charges, they
could tell supposedly yes, here, there is logic. At the same time,
Azerbaijan lives in conditions of war. The ceasefire does not mean
the termination of war. War is not ended. The first stage of war is
temporarily suspended and established cease-fire. However, it does
not mean, that war has ended. We cannot live in conditions of war,
and suffer continuation of occupation of our lands. In that case,
growth of defensive charges is quite natural. It takes place today,
will be and tomorrow, such policy will be pursued and henceforth.

In a word, I wish to repeat, that we adhere to peace talks. We
consider the Prague process as very positive frameworks, Azerbaijan is
interested in achievement of the arrangement in the given frameworks
and is ready to it. However, the destructive position of Armenia
does not allow carrying out substantive provisions of the Prague
process. Nevertheless, we have not lost hope. We hope that the given
question can find its solution by negotiations. Nevertheless, for its
solution, first, Armenia should demonstrate constructive position. On
the other hand, the mediators should show more activity.

To draw a parallel between Armenia and Azerbaijan is impossible. We
are the suffered country. In what can we concede to Armenia? We, in
fact, did not occupy their land, what can we give back? Therefore,
it is necessary to make the amendment to the approach. Here, it is
necessary to specify openly who was the initiator of war and who is
the affected side. I think that I have enough opened my opinion. I
would say again, that no changes in the position of Azerbaijan side.

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict can find its resolution only on the
basis of principles of international law. And you in the countries
where you work, always should keep in view this question, as the
first question of the agenda.

I know that it is so. I know that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
gave instructions. In addition, the ambassadors are active enough
in the given question. Except for this question, we shall have no
any other problem. This question is negatively reflected and in
development of Azerbaijan. In spite of the fact that today owing
to rate of economic development, positive political processes, we
observe economic potential. And imagine, how much more intensively
would progress Azerbaijan, if the question has found its solution.

How many new opportunities would appear, and how many foreign investors
with greater confidence would work in Azerbaijan.

Therefore, it is necessary for all of us to show greater activity
in the given question. And not only to ambassadors or employees
of embassies, but also all public, all Azerbaijani people. It is
a national question. In a national question, everyone should be
consolidated and put before him one purpose.

I wish to pay attention to one question. I have already noted
that our works in relations both with foreign and international
organizations go well. I would like, that you paid attention to one
more sphere. Attitudes with the non-governmental organizations should
be established by embassies, as the non-governmental organizations
also are a part of processes occurring in the world. In some cases,
in particular, on an example of Azerbaijan, the non-governmental
organizations are too politicized. Therefore, many of them you cannot
name non-governmental organizations. The hostile, unfair position of
some international non-governmental organizations is also available.

Probably, the principle of their formation pursues this purpose.

The non-governmental organizations criticizing us, simultaneously
criticize and the most developed countries of the world, including
the most advanced from the point of view of democratic development
of the country. It is, probably, style of their work. Despite of it,
the truth about Azerbaijan should be brought up to them, they too
should know it. However, in the certain cases, the position of some
organizations is extremely hostile. May be, we need not to lose time
for them. But in case of when the opinion is formed simply on the
basis of any incorrect information or the lie which has spread by
the Azerbaijan opposition, that, certainly, it is necessary to react,
lead explanatory work operatively.

Unfortunately, alongside with the Armenian lobby functioning in the
world against Azerbaijan, there exist also the forces in Azerbaijan
calling them opposition. Their interests and tactics of struggle
coincide. Also the results are identical. Neither the Armenian lobby
can prevent us, nor the people calling them in Azerbaijan opposition,
can affect the policy of Azerbaijan and processes occurring in the
country somehow. Azerbaijan is confidently progressing country. It
is recognized by all. They consider the position of Azerbaijan. In
particular, after last parliamentary elections – I consider, that
it, too, was a rotary point, – many organizations, including the
foreign organizations openly recognize, that Azerbaijan carries
out an independent policy what gets support of people, therefore,
with this policy is necessary to be considered, reconciled. Someone
cannot like this. It is natural. In fact, today Azerbaijan becomes
very attractive country. Here, the interests can collide. From the
very beginning I have told, that we should not admit it in Azerbaijan.

The natural resources, the favorable geographical position, growing
value, political potential of Azerbaijan, certainly, make it very
attractive country. As a result, the interest to it grows. To
maintain interests they increase pressure. It is natural, and it is
necessary for us to know about it. We should know whence attempts
of rendering of pressure upon us appear in some cases. In addition,
Azerbaijan confidently carries out its policy. Everyone sees that it
is impossible to speak to us, rendering on us pressure. Cooperation,
mutually beneficial contacts, in particular, the healthy criticism
from the international organizations as we can accept only criticism
from the international organizations, are necessary. We, in fact,
did not accept obligations before any country, therefore, should not
listen to someone’s criticism or carry out someone’s order. We are
members of some international organizations before which have accepted
obligations and we carry out them. In some cases it is tightened,
as, certainly, the system of the Azerbaijan society is imperfect,
but we go on this way. We always very correctly react to the healthy
criticism. Moreover, here, we never gave in to hostile attacks and we
shall never give in. Forces and the people, trying to have pressure on
us, already see it. I am convinced, that henceforth such gestures will
not repeat. Anyway, their unsuccessfulness once again testifies that it
is possible to speak with Azerbaijan only in language of cooperation.

We are small state from the point of view of territory and population,
but the worthy. I would reiterate that we have no duty before
anybody. We rely on support of Azerbaijani people, which gives to me
as to the President, additional power for independently carry out of
foreign policy. Relying on it, I carry out an independent policy. I
wish to repeat, that this policy is not directed against somebody. This
policy is in favor and in interests of Azerbaijani people. You, too,
in the work should be guided by the given principles. Relations with
bodies with which you are in contact, should be useful and base on
mutual respect. At the same time, on the first place there should be
interests of Azerbaijan.

I am convinced that in forthcoming years, the role of Azerbaijan in
the world will increase more, as I would repeat that we are only at
the first stage of work. After the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline
will earn on full capacity, after delivery of the Azerbaijan gas in
foreign countries, realization of other infrastructure projects, use
of railways, transport corridors, Azerbaijan, certainly, will become
very important country. Besides, Azerbaijan is secular, very tolerant
state, and the representatives of all nationalities and religions in
Azerbaijan live here in one family. Azerbaijan has chosen a democratic
way. Our adherence to democracy is shown not only in words, but
also in practical affairs. We show it, and not to like to somebody,
but it is necessary for our country. Political and economic reforms
should be conducted in parallel. But the political reforms without
economic base will never will lead to success. We saw it both in the
past, and in other countries. At the same time, if we shall prefer
economic questions and we not give attention to political reforms,
we shall simply achieve temporary success. It can be timely, but
will damage to our long-term economic strategy. Therefore, democratic
and economic reforms in Azerbaijan are conducted in parallel and are
extremely important factor for all-round development of our country.

In a word, our country develops and in this sphere, that is,
development of Azerbaijan, its transformation into a strong state in
every respect became already a reality. We should try to achieve quick
realization of it, full protection of our interests. It is necessary
to do the utmost that the foreign policy of Azerbaijan protected
our state, and that served Azerbaijan as a shield for development of
our country, and that the country has achieved the goal and people
lived better. Our basic policy, our priorities consist in this. I
hope, that in the daily activity you will practically execute these
principles and henceforth adequately to represent Azerbaijan in the
countries you work. Thanks.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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