AAA: California Legislature Marks Armenian Independence Day

Armenian Assembly of America
1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: [email protected]

August 16, 2006
CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
E-mail: [email protected]


Establishes First-Ever Armenian Caucus

Beverly Hills, CA – An Armenian Assembly-led delegation traveled to
Sacramento on August 14 to welcome a bipartisan resolution in the
State Legislature, honoring the California-Armenia relationship and
designating September 21, 2006 as "Armenian Independence Day."

Concurrently, State Assembly Majority Leader Dario Frommer
(D-Glendale) and Assembly Member and Republican Caucus Chair Greg
Aghazarian (R-Stockton) announced the establishment in California of a
first-ever state-level Armenian Caucus, known as the Assembly Armenian
Legislative Caucus. The Assembly-supported initiative, modeled after
the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, will work to strengthen
the California-Armenia relationship. The State Senate is expected to
announce the formation of an Armenian Caucus later this week.

"It has been an honor working with the Armenian Assembly on issues
important to the community over the course of my tenure in the
Legislature," said Frommer. "I also traveled to Armenia with a
delegation lead by the Armenian Assembly. I am especially pleased
that working together we were able to create the Assembly Armenian
Legislative Caucus to highlight the growing political influence of
this community in California."

The resolution, which celebrates the 15th anniversary of Armenia’s
independence, was introduced in the State Senate by California State
Senators Charles Poochigian (R-Fresno), Jack Scott (D-Pasadena),
Joseph Simitian (D-Palo Alto), and Jackie Speier (D-San Mateo). A
similar resolution was also introduced in the State Assembly by
Frommer and Aghazarian.

"The establishment of the Republic of Armenia was a milestone in
Armenian history," said Poochigian. "As California recognizes the
fifteenth anniversary of its establishment, we celebrate this occasion
with the three million Armenians who live in present day Armenia."

Both resolutions recognize September 21, as "Armenian Independence
Day," and encourage the people of California to celebrate Armenia’s
15th anniversary and the California-Armenia relationship.

The resolutions also note that California is home to the largest
population of Armenians in the U.S., and state, "those citizens have
enriched California through leadership in the fields of academia,
medicine, business, agriculture, government, and the arts, and are
proud patriotic practitioners of the American citizenship."

"We join with the Armenian community of California in extending our
appreciation to the Senators and Assembly Members for establishing
the Caucus and introducing this important legislation which honors the
great strides Armenia has made over the past 15 years," said Board of
Trustees Member and Western Office Chairman Richard Mushegain. "As
a Californian, I am pleased that my state is the first to mark the
anniversary of Armenia’s independence."

In addition to Mushegain, the Assembly delegation included Deputy
Consul General of the Republic of Armenia Harutyun Kojoyan, Assembly
Western Office Director Lena Kaimian, Executive Director of the
Armenian Council of America Peter Darakdjian, Vice Chair of the
Armenian Council of America Hagop Ajemian and Representative of the
Armenian Rights Council Daniel Aydenian.

Since its independence from the Soviet Union in December 1991,
Armenia has vigorously pursued free-market reforms within a democratic
framework. The United States was among the first countries to recognize
the fledgling democracy and over the years, the governments developed
a strong partnership based on shared values and mutual goals.

In 1995, the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues was formed
in the House of Representatives to provide a bi-partisan forum for
legislators to discuss how the United States can better assist the
people of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Co-Chaired by Representatives
Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), the Caucus has,
over the years, played a critical role on a wide range of issues,
including assistance programs for Armenia and Karabakh, the ongoing
Turkish and Azeri blockades, the Karabakh peace process and efforts
to reaffirm the U.S. record on the Armenian Genocide.

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
of Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership


Photographs available on the Assembly Web site at the following links:


Caption L to R, front row: Representative of the Armenian Rights
Council Daniel Aydenian, Armenian Assembly Western Office Director
Lena Kaimian, Deputy Consul General of the Republic of Armenia
Harutyun Kojoyan and California State Senators Jackie Speier (D- San
Mateo) and Jack Scott (D-Pasadena). Back row: Executive Director of
the Armenian Council of America Peter Darakdjian, California State
Senators Charles Poochigian (R-Fresno), Armenian Assembly Board of
Trustees Member and Western Office Chairman Richard Mushegain and
Vice Chair of the Armenian Council of America Hagop Ajemian.


Caption L to R: Executive Director of the Armenian Council of
America Peter Darakdjian, Armenian Assembly Western Office Director
Lena Kaimian, Representative of the Armenian Rights Council Daniel
Aydenian, Assembly Member and Republican Caucus Chair Greg Aghazarian
(R-Stockton), Armenian Assembly Board of Trustees Member and Western
Office Chairman Richard Mushegain, Deputy Consul General of the
Republic of Armenia Harutyun Kojoyan, State Assembly Majority Leader
Dario Frommer (D-Glendale) and Vice Chair of the Armenian Council of
America Hagop Ajemian.