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BAKU: Azerbaijan’s Position In CE Remains Firm – Azeri Rep At CE

Author: A.Ismayilova

TREND, Azerbaijan
Aug. 17, 2006

Trend ‘s exclusive interview with Azerbaijani representative at the
Council of Europe, Agshin Mehdiyev

Question: How do you estimate the current level of relationships
between Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe? What is the country’s
position at the CE?

Answer: The relationships between the Azerbaijani government and the
CE Committee of Ministers are on progress. Periodically there evolve
questions, but are solved smoothly.

As to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE),
here it is dealt with episodes, when any reporter, a group of MPs,
voices his dissatisfaction with definite events. For instance,
the well-known co-rapporteurs Andreas Gross and Andreas Herkel hold
tendentious position in respect to Azerbaijan. For instance, they
provoked the issue on consideration of the mandate of Azerbaijani
delegation at the PACE. However, the Assembly did not support them.

Together with the parliamentary delegation we try to resist such
attempts and thus far we have succeeded.

Question: How could you explain the tendentious position by some
individuals and groups?

Answer: Firstly, we should not forget that the attitude towards
Azerbaijan is not unilateral. We have too many friends, but also
too many enemies. Azerbaijan is a country with rich history and
natural resources. It should be not ignored that this is the Muslim
country and it is not accepted unilaterally at the Christian European
circles. Perhaps, the Armenian lobby is permanently and purposefully
working against Azerbaijan.

Question: How do you estimate the influence of the Armenian lobby on
the Council of Europe at present?

Answer: It is not so weak. They [Armenians] are frank provocateurs.

We have started the propaganda activities only 10-20 years ago,
whilst for many years Armenians have been conducting anti-Turk,
anti-Azerbaijani, anti-Muslim propaganda, introducing themselves
as miserable.

Nevertheless, Azerbaijan’s influence is also rising. In the pretext
of our successes, developing with the other countries, including the
European and Christian world, the Armenian lobby will exist no longer.

Question: Could we expect any ‘surprise’ from Armenia in the autumn
session of the PACE?

Answer: I don’t think so. To my mind there will be no issue linked
with Azerbaijan.

Question: Does the Azerbaijan delegation plan to raise an issue on
fire in the Armenian-occupied territory of Azerbaijan?

Answer: Certainly, Azerbaijani delegate can put forward this issue
in one of the meetings of the committee and demand for appointment
of a rapporteur. It is possible in this order.

Question: Could the CE send its experts to the territory following
a report by an international organization, the OCSE?

Answer: That is a right question: This is a serious problem,
because there is a particular coordination among the international
organizations. One can frequently observe the cases when their
positions contradict each other.

However, the CE is a serious and independent organization and it holds
a very principle standpoint on some issues, and that distinguishes it
from others. Now we have to hold a position based on arguments and
facts. Sometimes, the questions are put forward, while no concrete
arguments are presented for this respect.

Question: Do the CE representatives plan to pay visit to Azerbaijan
in the nearest future?

Answer: A new PACE rapporteur on Azerbaijan, Tony Lloyd, plans to
visit Azerbaijan this autumn. No visit is on schedule prior to the
session. A mission of the CE Congress of Local Authorities will visit
Azerbaijan after the session and municipal elections so as to carry
out monitoring of pre-election situation in Azerbaijan. Terry Davis,
the General Secretary of the PACE, is expected to Azerbaijan. It is
necessary to work over it.

Question: Does the CE plans to carry out monitoring at the municipal

Answer: There were sounded ideas that the Congress of Regional and
Local Authorities was probable to dispatch its observers.

Question: When does the PACE Ad Hoc Committee on Nagorno-Karabakh
plan to meet and what issues will be on agenda?

Answer: No concrete date is named for the time being. Perhaps, prior
or after the autumn session. I think sooner or later the agenda of
the Committee of Ministers will include an issue on concrete results
of Paris process, state of negotiations and the necessity for the
issue is evolving.

Question: What will be Azerbaijan’s benefits?

Answer: Those who are currently involved in the conflict resolution,
I mean the OSCE Minsk Group and others, will feel that there are
people who take interests in their work. I’d avoid from using acute
phrases. The CE will prove its estimation. Especially, it is dealt
with the organization that unites 46 European countries.

Of course, I can’t say that the CE has always protected Azerbaijan’s
interests. However, there are some positive milestones, although I
still consider it insufficient. In this case they defend justice.

They should preserve their image as a supporter of justice.

Question: Could it affect the OSCE Minsk Group’s activities?

Answer: We have always considered as many international organizations
are involved in the process as better. But we have never said that
these organizations should replace the OSCE Minsk Group. And there
is no issue on replacement in the OSCE Minsk Group on agenda.

Jagharian Tania:
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