Categories: News

What Happened To The Oligarch

James Hakobyan

25 Aug 06

On hearing the word "oligarch" the majority of the society thinks
that they are going to hear about Gagik Tsarukyan. Currently, this
reaction is quite normal considering that Tsarukyan has appeared in
the middle of home political developments, grabbing the attention of
the society. However, it seems unfair that the other oligarchs do
not receive due attention from the society. In the meantime, some
happenings in their life are similarly important for the situation
in Armenia. These happenings take place in their professional life
and are related to their private life as much as professional life
could affect the private life.

Mikhail Baghdasarov, one of the big businessmen of Armenia, told
one of the newspapers several days ago that he is likely to sell 30
percent of his shares of Armenian Savings Bank, the last 30 percent
because several years ago he sold 70 percent of shares to the Russian
Vneshtorgbank. The same Russian bank is likely to buy the other 30
percent but Baghdasarov told that he is likely to sell his shares to
a third party, whose bid is under consideration. In fact, the life
of a big businessman, even his professional life, including that
of Baghdasarov, is not important enough for the society, especially
that the society is facing much more important problems. But there
is an important circumstance, and considering this circumstance it
would be useful to follow the situation Baghdasarov has appeared in,
namely his close relations with the defense minister Serge Sargsyan.

Baghdasarov has accompanied him for a number of times during his
foreign visits. In this sense, it is interesting that the oligarch
who is close with the defense minisrer, is selling his property.

Getting rid of property is not only normal in the modern world but
also popular and commendable. Experts say in a period of development
of technologies and intellectual transformation of property material
property becomes vulnerable and it is desirable to get rid of it. But
this is in the world. The modern world of developed technologies is
one thing and Armenia with its superhistorical mentality is another
thing. Here there is no tendency of getting rid of property, moreover,
this is considered a sign of fear, trouble, weakness.

Consequently, either Mikhail Baghdasarov has one of these signs,
or he has started thinking the way the world thinks. But in this
case either he has to leave Armenia for the success of this way of
thinking or he has to stay in Armenia without any property.

In both cases something seems to be wrong about Baghdasarov. And
it seems at least strange, considering the protection of the
"superminister" Baghdasarov enjoys, or maybe enjoyed. It should
be noted, however, that somethng has been wrong about Baghdasarov
over the past month, more exactly after the crash of the plane of
Armavia Airlines. It happened so that the crash of the plane gave
rise to a number of official and unofficial suggestions. The arrows
of responsibility in all the possible suggestions were directed
against Armavia. Eventually, the Interstate Aviation Committee’s
official statement concerned the fault of the pilots, which in fact
again hits to Armavia, hinting that the piltos of the company are not
qualified. The owner of Armavia, in fact, faces all these problems
alone. Only Armavia protested against the conclusion of the IAC,
but the Russians soon made it silent, reminding that Armavia did
not pay the dept of air navigation. And the Armenian high-ranking
government officials who appeared to public with great ardor though
with a mourning appearance, raised money and arranged funerals, have
now lost the former enthusiasm and have not responded officially to
the conclusion of the Interstate Aviation Committee.

The Department of Civil Aviation gave a news conference but it is
true that the ministers attended to these questions.

Along with these developments the problem of fuel of Zvartnots Airport
occurred, the main supplier of which is again Baghdasarov.

The problem occurred when rumors resumed that the plane had run out
of fuel. In this situation, it is natural that he does not "fancy"
doing banking, for he has difficulty fighting "in the air, in water
and on the land" alone. However, the question occurs why Baghdasarov
remained alone, i.e. without the "super" protection. It is difficult,
in fact, to answer this question. Maybe this is a time when "sacrifice"
is needed like "air and water", when the "old friends" do not betray
but foresee, like in the famour move "Garage".

And since there are no facts that a black cat passed between "the
two friends", it would be correct to discuss another version of how
everything happened. Mikhail Baghdasarov will participate in the
parliamentary election directly or indirectly, supporting some force.

He announced this during his April 1, 2006 news conference. Serge
Sargsyan will also run in the parliamentary election. And if
we consider the case when they remain close, it is natural that
Baghdasarov will either support his close partner or the someone
whom his partner will point to. And the support of a businessman is
first of all his money. Therefore, the government in Armenia supports
businessmen or therefore the big businessmen pay the government in
Armenia. Considering the material, financial and moral losses of
Mikhail Baghdasarov after the plane crash, the question of election
money becomes rather complicated. Let alone the bank, since for this 30
percent better "the whole and at once than interests and part by part".

However, it is only the first impression that Mikhail Baghdasarov
had problems after the plane crash. Long before the crash when the
National Unity Party, which also had "super" possibilities, suddenly
remembered a six-year-old deal, the deal of bankruptcy of the Armenian
Airlines, alleging that Baghdasarov got several millions of profit
then, inflicting as much damage on the state. The answer of the
businessman did not wait long. He announced that he would sue the
National Unity if they went on with such allegations. They went on
to announce that they confirm their words and wait until Baghdasarov
goes to court. Baghdasarov has not gone to court and it is not clear
whether he will ever go or not. Or maybe he went but not to the court
but someone more influential, knowing well the famous Russian proverb,
"hit your fellows for others to fear", and maybe also knowing that this
proverb is well-known among the government where they have to contact
Russians very often, as well as realizing that the knowledge acquired
during these contacts is very often practised by the government. And
since the businessman is knows Russian proverbs, he must also know
that "It’s better to have 100 friends than 100 rubles". Do not have
30 percent if your friend is going to need this 30 percent more on
a May morning in 2007.

Chilingarian Babken:
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