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MFA: FM Participates at Int’l Conference Caspian Outlook 2008

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Minister Oskanian Participates in
International Conference Caspian Outlook 2008

On August 27-28, Minister Oskanian participated the Bled Strategic Forum, an
international conference entitled ‘Caspian Outlook 2008’ held as a joint
initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia and the Institute
for Strategic Studies in Ljubljana.

Minister Oskanian delivered a statement during a panel entitled "European
Neighborhood Policy: The End Game." Minister Oskanian specifically stressed
the importance of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) for development,
stability and peace in the region. "What European structures have done is
invaluable. In Europe’s search for peace, stability and prosperity for
itself, it has rightly decided to enhance rule of law, democracy and
economic development to those who live at its borders. We share these values
and we want them to take root in our societies – for our own sake, not just
for Europe’s."

"Looking at it from the inside out, the Neighborhood Policy has facilitated,
encouraged, rewarded reforms. In Armenia, those reforms are irreversible and
already showing remarkable results. We are going to move now to second
generation reforms in order to continue to register successes in the second
half of this decade," he continued.

The Minister expressed hope that ENP implementation by the three South
Caucasus countries will facilitate regional cooperation as well. Regarding
the Nagorno Karabakh conflict specifically, the Minister said, "We are at a
critical stage now. On the one hand, there is a sound and balanced document
on the table which is the result of two years of work by all parties, and
many of those principles have already been agreed to. There are a few left
to address, but we are hopeful that there, too, agreement can be found. On
the other hand, there is increasing Azerbaijani intransigence commensurate
with their accumulation of oil wealth, there is the illusion that time is
working to their advantage, and that there is always a possibility of a
military solution." Minister Oskanian continued and said this is extremely
dangerous, because first, it can indeed become a self-fulfilling prophecy,
and second, this public rhetoric is effecting perceptions inside Azerbaijan
and making it difficult to reach a compromise resolution. The minister
reiterated the view that there is no military solution to this conflict and
the only way forward is through mutual compromise on the basis of the
current document.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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