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There Is No Representative From Criminal

Margaret Yesayan

29 Aug 06

NA deputy Arakel Movsisian, the same Shmais, doesn’t agree with the
fact that a lot of criminal elements have become RPA members

Mr. Movsisian, why did you become the RPA member, did you do it by
your initiation or you had to.

Republican Party is very democratic, as Ashot Navasardian has
formed it, then there have been a lot of unified, normal persons,
who have been adopted by the people, and nowadays it has a better
status, especially a lot of influential powers have entered into the
party. Saying influential I mean the people accept them because they
have done a lot of things for the people. Besides, we have assisted
Republican Party for 10 years, where else can we go?

Are you introduced to the Njdeh’s ideology, have you read any book?

Nothing, I’m introduced as it is possible, we have martial ways,
which Njdeh has also passed martial ways, it’s another influence,
so you shouldn’t read Njdeh day and night. We have reached it by our
own life, which has been a devotion to the nation.

When you and some other persons became the RPA member that party was
criminalized, a lot of people speak about it. They say that persons
from criminal world have become that party members, do you think so?

I don’t share that standpoint, as there is nobody from the criminal
world there. If there were, neither Serge Sargsian nor the Prime
Minister wouldn’t become that party members. They all are respected
by the people as the people have elected them some of them has been
elected twice; the elections won’t be rigged twice.

It seems both times the elections have been rigged.

Omissions are everywhere, but the mass is normal in general.

Your name is connected with narcotics, Khorkhoruni’s murder, and if
it is true, does it mean you have contacts with the criminal world?

The court has proved that I have no connection with it and I haven’t
committed any crime. This country judges then it can’t justify. We
are engaged in that case, that decree is illegal.

How are you engaged in it?

When the time comes, the decree of justification will be made. Our
family has devoted to this nation. Six brothers have participated in
the war and four from them have become invalids. Our family is a hero,
and the time will come, some persons will be punished.

What is your opinion about giving the occupied territories back?

Those persons who speak about it want only to fill positions or
restore it.

Some politicians dream of becoming the president, but they don’t
know that this country has its elected representative of the people,
has its own army.

They can’t rule this country, they don’t think of this country,
they simply want to fill posts.

If there are fair elections will you be elected?

I haven’t seen unfair election up to the present day.

But even the international observers have seen it.

I haven’t seen any illegality in our precinct. Our elections have
always been transparent.

If Serge Sargsian didn’t become RPA member would you become that
party member?

Serge Sargsian has been our minister in Karabakh war, too, I deeply
respect him, I’m sure that people also accept him as the minister
of defense?

In your opinion, what kind of state is the Republic of Armenia,
they say, there is despotism there.

If you were in other countries you would be sure that our country is
the best one. It wasn’t so easy to restore the country after war.

How did you own your nickname, Shmais?

When some people were living in clover, I acquired gun of "Shmais"
type for participating in the war, it’s the name of a German gun.

Do you have that Â"ShmaisÂ"?

Yes I have as a memory, museum.


Karabekian Emil:
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