Official Visit Invitation To Beijing


National Assembly of RA, Armenia
Aug. 31, 2006

On August 30 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, the President of the National
Assembly of the Republic of Armenia received Mr. Zuo Xueliang,
Ambassador of People’s Republic of China to Armenia.

The issues of deepening the inter-parliamentary relations between the
two countries were discussed during the meeting. Mr. Zuo Xueliang,
Ambassador of People’s Republic of China handed the invitation of
the Chinese National Assembly President U. Bango of the official
visit to the NA President Mr. T. Torosyan, noting that the visit will
promote the development of inter-parliamentary and inter-governmental

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, the RA NA President, accepting the invitation,
noted that good friendly relations have been established between the
Parliaments of two countries, to the development of which the mutual
visits contribute. The Chinese Parliamentary Delegation also will
visit Armenia soon.

The issues of development of relations between the Republican Party of
Armenia and the Chinese Communist Party were also discussed during
the meeting. They also touched upon the opportunity of China’s
participation in the construction of Kars-Akhlkalak-Tbilisi-Baku
railroad. Mr. T. Torosyan, the RA NA President, highly evaluated
China’s interest in the issues of regional economic development and
expressed a hope that such version of railroad, connecting Europe with
the Eastern Asia and partially passing through the Southern Caucasus
would be chosen, which will indeed promote the strengthening of peace
and good-neighbourly relations. Mr. Xueliang promised to pass the
concern of the Armenian side to Beijing.

Other issues of mutual importance were also discussed during the