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BAKU: UK Shows Interest In Regulation Nagorno-Garabagh Conflict


Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
Democratic Azerbaijan
Sept 4 2006

September 1, colonel-general, Safar Abiyev, met with Ambassador of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Azerbaijan,
Mr. Laurie Bristow.

Speaking of the purpose of the meeting, Ambassador, Laurie Bristow,
stressed: After visit of Duke of York, Prince Andrew, to Azerbaijan,
interest of UK to Azerbaijan increased. He stressed that regulation
of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Garabagh conflict is the most crucial
issue for Azerbaijan. We hope this conflict will be regulated very
soon. UK shows interest in solving this problem.

Colonel-general, Safar Abiyev, said: Azerbaijan cooperates with UK
both within the frames of NATO "Individual Partnership" program and
bilateral scope. We know that UK also shows interest in regulation of
Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Garabagh conflict. Azerbaijan attaches
great interest to enlargement of cooperation with UK. Having said
that Azerbaijan makes efforts for peaceful regulation of the conflict,
minister said: Armenia takes destructive position that is why solving
of the problem delays. Armenia ignores requirements of 4 UN Security
Council resolutions in connection with the conflict in question,
and world community makes no pressure on Armenia for withdrawal of
Armenian military forces from occupied territories.

Azerbaijan will never put up with the fact that its territories are
occupied by Armenia. With the use of all political, economic means
including military ones we’ll liberate our territories.

Ambassador, L. Bristow, underlined: We understand very well what
factors define current policy of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has the
right to liberate its territories. At the same time Azerbaijan state
should pursue this policy in balanced form. Such policy should provide
harmonious economic, politic development of Azerbaijan, and at last,
promote peaceful liberation of its territories. He said: "My 3 year
old observations in South Caucasus allow me to conclude that outside
forces affected Armenian society".

Safar Abiyev stressed: We hold that policy pursued by Armenia today
will lead to complete failure. We shouldn’t forget the history. 13
years have passed since occupation of Azerbaijani territories on the
part of Armenia. However, Armenia shouldn’t forget that territory of
Armenia is former Azerbaijani territory. Let Armenians not set their
policy against themselves.

Evaluating military-political situation in South Caucasus, Ambassador
underlined: Turkey is one of NATO leading states. Economic base of
Azerbaijan is sustainable and it harmoniously develops in all fields.

What situation will reign in Armenia in 10-15 years?

Colonel-general, Safar Abiyev, and L. Bristow exchanged views
concerning present military and political situation in South
Caucasus, historical roots of Armenia-Turkey and Armenia-Azerbaijan
conflicts. He underlined that non-regulation of Armenia-Azerbaijan
conflict jeopardizes economic projects in Azerbaijan. Therefore,
European states participating in the above projects, including UK,
should demand from Armenia, country – aggressor, to give up its claims
and withdraw its military forces from Azerbaijani territories as soon
as possible.

Having said that Azerbaijan is on the right way related to conflict
regulation, guest declared that our truth would win: "There is no
factor preventing economic development of Azerbaijan. Unjust to
Azerbaijan should be removed".

Having pointed out that he shared Ambassador’s view point Minister
of Defense said: all European states should understand it, and we
should make joint efforts in this direction.

After meeting both parties touched upon development of
Azerbaijan-British military cooperation.

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From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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