U.S. Congressmen Encourage NKR For Independence


04.09.2006 14:40 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ U.S. Congressmen Frank Pallone and Joe Knollenberg
congratulated the NKR President and people on the 15th anniversary
of Karabakh independence proclamation. The message says in part,
"Dear President Ghukasian, We congratulate the people and government
of Artsakh and you personally on the 15th anniversary of independence
of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. This historical date is an important
landmark of your struggle for freedom. September 2, 1991 the people
of Nagorno Karabakh declared their intention to build an independent
state. With this declaration the heroic people of Karabakh voiced
decision to live freely.

You asserted you right to live freely and successfully counteracted
the Azeri military aggression. Many brave sons and daughters of your
land died in the name of freedom in Artsakh. Unflinching belief in
the just cause, your persistency let you achieve greater victories
in restoring the economy destroyed by the war and forming a firm
basis for the further development and prosperity. During recent 15
years the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (Artsakh) proved its viability
and adherence to universal values of freedom, peace, democracy and
human rights protection.

We have always endorsed you in your struggle and go on supporting
you in your noble aspiration to achieve international recognition
of you independence. We assure you that we will contribute to the
strengthening of security and development of Nagorno Karabakh and we
are looking forward to the moment when the state flag of independent
Artsakh will be hoisted all over the globe as a symbol of realization
of your expectations."