Days Of Yerevan To Be Held In Moscow On September 9-11


Noyan Tapan
Sept 06 2006

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 6, NOYAN TAPAN. Days of Yerevan will be held in
Moscow on September 9-11, within the franework of the Year of Armenia
in Russia. The event was organized on the initiative of the Embassy of
Armenia to the RA, the Yerevan and Moscow Mayor’s Offices. As David
Gevorgian, the Chief of the Foreign Ties Department of the Yerevan
Mayor’s Office informed the Noyan Tapan correspondent, the "Golden
Pomegranate" festival will open on September 9, within the framework
of which Armenian goods, hand-made works as well as fruits will be
exhibited. Within the framework of the Days of Yerevan, the "Armenian
Navy Band" vanguard-folk jazz group headed by Arto Tuncboyaciyan will
have concerts in Moscow. The official meeting of Yerevan and Moscow
Mayors Yervand Zakharian and Yuri Luzhkov will take place on September
11. The "Old City with Contemporaries’ Eyes" photo exhibition will open
on the same day in the Moscow Music Theaters after Stanislavski and
Nemirovich-Danchenko. The Days of Yerevan will close on September 11,
with a gala concert in which Armenian and Russian pop singers as well
as dance groups will participate. To recap, the Days of Moscow were
held in Yerevan within the framework of the Day of Russia in Armenia,
in 2005.