President Of Armenia Appreciates Process Of Reforms Being Implemente


Noyan Tapan
Sept 06 2006

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 6, NOYAN TAPAN. RA President Robert Kocharian
attaches serious importance to development of reprocessing production
in the marz of Aragatsotn, in encouraging of which, in his words,
the local authorities have much to do. The country head stated about
it at the meeting with journalists after the working visit paid
to the marz of Aragatsotn on September 5. As a succeeded example,
the President mentioned one of the "Tamara-Fruit" factory, which,
according to his estimation, has great perspectives. The factory makes
an attempt to occupy a place in the European market, by cooperating
with the European Bank. The President expressed satisfaction with
the high speeds of school construction in the marz: "Other 2-3 years,
and the promise that there will be no unrestored school in Armenia,
will become a reality," the President mentioned. In his words, a
great volume of gasification works is also done in the marz. The
President emphasized that only some villages had gasification
in the territory of the marz during the Soviet period, when 29
rural communities have gasification at present, and it’s envisaged
that other 15-20 communities will have gasification till late this
year. According to the President’s estimation, the state of highways
is not bad in the marz, and as for improvement of the irrigation
system, it’s envisaged to improve the irrigation system particularly
by the program of reconstruction of reservoirs and construction of
water-pipes. The IPAC and World Bank allocated capital investment of
4.5 bln drams for this purpose. During the visit paid to Aragatsotn,
the RA President visited the newly restored school of the village of
Aragats, Saghmosavank and "Tamara-Fruit" factory. The President held
a consultation at the Regional Governor’s Office on the same day.